That old attic never fails to surprise. Discovered THIS…

Devin D. Marks
Thinker Thursdays™
2 min readOct 21, 2022

…spearhead (?!) behind books a few days ago.

It seems to have slid back and remained stuck between shelves for 50 years — if not a lifetime. It was likely a safari gift or keepsake of my late mother’s grandfather.

Delos (my namesake great-grand) was an inveterate reader, traveler, and collector. His attic book nook, sort of an overflow library in our Ol’ Kentucky Home, has offered up castoff items like this spearhead, for decades now.

Arguably, some of those attic items (first edition newspapers from Tampa, 1880s correspondence, hand-crank coffee mills, beaver tophats) have had a hand in changing my life trajectory on more than one occasion — nonprofits founded, seminary, writing projects, nationwide sojourns, and more.

But today, I’m passing on this one. I’ve enjoyed enough life-shifting, career-changing, and heart-pulsing adventures birthed amidst musty attic books, for my lifetime.

I’ve replaced those books; hidden that attention-grabbing artifact.

I think I’ll leave it for another generation of attic explorers. Perhaps one day my (someday) grandchild will be seized by it and bound breathlessly into the back study to announce a new mystery and adventure.

Another generation of attic discoveries await!

And that gives this greying history-lover hope.

As storytelling expert Nancy Duarte might describe it, a “new bliss” has been offered the audience.






Devin D. Marks
Thinker Thursdays™

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