Which came first, the egg or the chicken?

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3 min readApr 12, 2020

To whatever extreme science may go, some questions will never leave our mind. It passes on through generations but it still remains a question without an answer. One of the kind is…

Which came first, the egg or the chicken?

This question is there in the heads of many from the birth of mankind. The answer for this may seem simple but explains an important process along the way.

Every life in this earth has its own way of giving birth and rising their next generation. All birds, give rise to their next generation by laying eggs (bats are not birds). These eggs hatch and then the cycle continues.

The same process goes for chicken too…

Although we are not able to see the difference in everyday life, evolution takes places on each and every thing. Directly or indirectly nature takes care of evolution, for survival, for betterment, to carry forward things.

Chicken is said to be a descendant of Tyrannosaurus rex, a very fierce carnivorous dinosaur which lived in the cretaceous period. It was considered as an apex predator of its time.

Photo by Fausto García on Unsplash

Evolution through generations can take place in two different forms

  • Birth of a cross species that leads to more cross species.
  • When one or both the parents have evolved particularly inside a same species.

The result of this process gives birth to an evolved or a cross species. This kind of evolution takes number of years to go through.

“Nature never hurries. Atom by atom, little by little she achieves her work.”

— Alina Wheeler

The same may have happened in the case of chicken and its egg. When a species A mixes with an evolved parent or a different species B, it gives birth to C. This creates multiple combinations that can continue on its own, creating new cycles.

Out of one series of combination, after millions of years of evolution, the first chicken egg may have formed. Out of that egg, a new species may have came into existence called chicken. The flow for the same is explained in the below flowchart.

With this thought flow, we would like to argue that the egg came before chicken.

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