Is Time On Your Side? 

The advantages of living in the NOW.

Alexa Carlin
Thinking about Mindfulness


Time is such a hard concept to grasp. Time has given us life on Earth. It has given us the opportunity to be here for a certain amount of time, but it has also hindered our free spirit.

Time is the controller of our life. We can either fight against it or we can be in harmony with it. When we fight against time it causes stressors in our lives.

Deadlines to meet, meetings to rush to, societal norms of when it’s the “right time” to get married, have kids and go to college.

Time fooled us when we were little believing we had “all the time in the world to grow up”. All of a sudden you blink your eyes and you’re a complete grown up. Where did that time go?

The loss of time only appears as a loss when you are not in harmony with the time clock of your life. When you are in harmony, time is on your side. You are in the present moment because you realize that this is the only time that truly exists. Nothing in the past or future exists. When you are thinking about that, you are living in a non-existent world.

As you live in the NOW, you experience time to its fullest. You never lose a second, even a millisecond because you are living and you are consciously aware of where you are supposed to be.

This is the hard part to grasp about time. Why does it exist? I believe it is here to teach us a lesson. To show us that our time on earth isn’t forever but it can be enough as long as we know how to live in the now and be in harmony with time.

Each of us has our own time clock; when we go to sleep, when we wake up and when our soul decides to leave the physical form. That time clock is flawless and unique to each one of us. Our soul never dies, it is never born; our soul is infinite. All of us have a purpose here on Earth and when that purpose is achieved, we have a higher purpose to attend to.

The sad part is many of us don’t fulfill our purpose while we are here. We get sick too early, let life sink us into a deep depression or experience a traumatic event that affects our ability to live fully. All of this is caused by a discord with time. If we don’t fight against time by trying to control our destiny, trying to be successful at something that doesn’t belong to us, living in the past or forcing ourselves to live in a place that makes us feel unstable, then we are able to fulfill our purpose. We give ourselves to the Universe trusting that it knows what is best for us. It will ALWAYS lead us to our purpose and create a life of ease.

When you allow the Universe to take control of your life, you allow yourself to be in the present moment. You understand that right now is a gift, a gift to live and breathe and take in all the beauty that surrounds you.

Right now, start. Start living in the moment, stop worrying about the future or feeling depressed about the past, none of that exists right now. Time and the Universe are always on your side, if you let them be.

What time is it? This is a question you never have to ask yourself again. You already know the answer.

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Alexa Carlin
Thinking about Mindfulness

Founder of the Women Empower X and Professional Speaker. I help women start, grow and scale their dreams.