What motivates you to live?

Nivedita Basu
Thinking About Change
3 min readJun 26, 2020
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I read an article in the famous magazine Psychology Today titled “Lust for life”. Anecdotes have been recorded from a few people who answered the question — what makes you want to live and what kind of sensation do you seek? The 4 categories being thrill and adventure seeking, experience-seeking, boredom susceptibility (disliking repetition), and disinhibition (the ability to be spontaneous). I felt immensely good after reading it. A very informative and moving article indeed. After reading it, I asked myself. What motivates me to live?

I don’t think I have an elongated answer yet, as I have only experienced 18 years of life. Although, I have a few things to say about it.

Here are a few things that motivate me to live -

  • Hopeful for a better tomorrow.
  • Improving myself/ working on myself.
  • My family — especially my parents who have done so much for me. I want to give back to them.
  • The society — there are so many people out there who require so much help. I want to be able to give back to them.
  • Comparing my past self to my present self.
  • To work towards my passion.
  • To be able to travel to different places.

I’ve just mentioned a few here. There are many more to come in the times ahead.

If you get tired, learn to rest. Not quit. ~Banksy

Out of sheer curiosity, I wanted to ask my friends and acquaintances the same question I asked myself. One specific response from a friend left me overwhelmed. She thanked me for reminding her of her purpose which was beginning to fade away. Frankly, everyone’s answers engrossed me. So I’m going to sum up their answers in a few points —

Here’s what motivates some of my friends and acquaintances to live —

  • A handful of them wants to experience life, its surprises, and its ugliness.
  • Some of them are hopeful ( about various aspects).
  • A few feel that someday it will all be worth it.
  • Some have dreams.
  • Several others want to give back to their loved ones.
  • A teacher of mine says he is motivated to live and to learn.
  • A few friends said they want to bring a change in the world.
  • Some of them take happiness in the little things.
  • Among all of them, one wants to experience more and become a better version of themself.

I feel that this question subconsciously makes everyone think; including me. The answer to this question can vary from a word to ample pages. Another response left me dumbfounded. The reply was death. I found it hard to contemplate what it meant. Every person can have so much to say about what motivates them to live. The mere fact that there’s olive-sized importance given to this question; sometimes makes people forget their purpose and existence.

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Ask yourself this question often. You are helping yourself remind the importance you carry towards yourself and your loved ones. I would like to request a favor from my readers — ask this question to your friends and find out what they say. Suggest the help of a professional and talk to them if they are lost and depressed on their way. Last but not least, don’t forget to mention your answers in the comments section below.

You can also drop me a mail on basu.nivedita01@gmail.com

I am pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I live in India and I’m 18 years old. Cheers!

