Critical Reflection Prompt: Outcasts United due Nov. 4

Julia Van Der Ryn
Thinking & Action for Ethical Being
2 min readOct 31, 2015

A good short video about Clarkston.

Pick a theme in this reading that interests you and that you can link in some way to your community partner. For example: The experience of immigrants in the U.S. The stereotypes and attitudes of residents resistant to difference and change as well as those who seek to help. How the integration of different cultures/people actually enriched Clarkston. Or Luma’s motivation to bring people together, build community, support youth through their struggles with poverty, coping with violent pasts and loss, creating new opportunities.

What is the issue or concept that resonated with you? How is it described in Outcasts and what similarities or connections can you draw with your community partner? So What?: Why is this significant? Who is impacted? What is your role/our collective responsibility? Now What? Check out what the Fugee family has become here. How do you think your partner is seeking to address the issue that you discussed? Read Luma’s story below and see if you have heard a similar story or maybe have one of your own that is developing. Use specifics.


I struggled to understand, “There must be something, bread, cheese…”

“No, Coach, it’s that time of the month.”

“Time of the month?” Later I found out that “time of the month” means the time the food stamps run out. That night I walked him to his apartment. Inside, it was complete darkness. I looked for food, but there was none. Instead, I found his mother huddled in the corner of the living room, rocking back and forth, shaking her head, and muttering, “I work hard every day, every day I work.”

After buying groceries and trying to draw a budget for his family (and failing miserably), I realized that I had barely scratched the surface. I felt so naive and helpless. Children living less than five miles away were going to bed hungry, because their parents weren’t getting paid enough to make ends meet.

This is just one of many experiences with my players that has completely changed the way I see the world. The past ten years have been a wonderful yet terrifying journey led by the children I coach, who guide me and keep me accountable every day for the decisions I make. It is because of them that I have founded the Fugees Family, and it is for them that I ask you to join our family.

Luma Mufleh

