
Thinking Aloud
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2015

Ask the lighthouse the tales of solitude.
Lapping tides don’t break his quietude

Shoreline he sees hundred miles ahead
Willingness to move but steadfast instead.

Sleeps during the day when world is abuzz
Cold dark nights vigilant watch he does

Watchful gazes on the oceans he cast
Suffers the rains or how long the winters last

Ships turn fast at his slightest cognizance
No sailor wants his close acquaintance

Ask such stone Manor why he does so
Tell me if he answers in a first go.

Knows not he your ways or parlance
Ages alone he stands in silence.

Don’t fear his eyes so weary and drawn
give some time to regain words long gone

Let him some time to focus his gaze
Happy he’d be coming from endless maze

He’ll tell you stories of pirates and kings
lonely flagpole bears the color markings

will tell you about wars over the ages
bombshells many and blood-soaked beaches

He shall tell you of the couple in love
from which height frustrated they dove

Tales of seagulls when the skies are azure
Come they often but never stay for supper

knows he well that he stands on a rock
no treasure he has no grandeur to mock

suddenly he will look at you with a strange sight
Will not recognize you with his blinking light

he will search someone long gone in time
memories of the old still ever so sublime

That’s your cue, now wrap up and leave
don’t stoke his feelings and hope naive

Don’t stay long if you can’t stay forever
don’t aggravate the disease if you can’t be the cure

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