The story in charts: Diversity on television makes sense — because it makes money.

Jeff Yang
Thinking (and Rethinking) Race
2 min readMar 28, 2015


At this point, you must have read the article in Hollywood’s go-to industry blog for real-time news, Deadline, suggesting that the swing toward diversity on network TV had “gone too far.” My recent story for the Wall Street Journal Online explored some of the reasons why the phenomenon of television that looks like America has only just begun. The bottom line? Diverse TV is drawing new audiences, while also engaging traditional (read: non-Hispanic white) viewers. And that’s good for the networks’ bottom line.

Some of the charts I created for that story weren’t included for reasons of space (and others were posted in a fashion that cut off key data). Here’s my complete set of visualizations created for the piece, in living color…like TV itself.

