11 Website Layouts That Made Content Shine in 2017

Nick Babich
Thinking Design
Published in
12 min readDec 13, 2017

Why do people really visit websites? In most cases, the primary reason behind each visit is content. Content is of paramount importance and every designer wants to present it in the most useful and intuitive way. It’s not surprising, then, that selecting a layout for your content is one of the first things designers do when they start a new project.

Many designers believe the layout for each website they work on should be completely unique to satisfy the goals of the project — this is far from the truth. If you visit popular websites, you’ll notice that many of them use similar layouts. This isn’t a coincidence or done out of laziness, it’s because these layouts have three significant advantages:

  • They’re usable. Common layouts have become so common because they’ve proven that users can work with them.
  • They’re familiar. A good user experience is created by building a sense of familiarity with users. Visitors feel a pleasurable sense of deja-vu when they see familiar features laid out as they would expect. As a result, people will spend time digesting the content rather than focusing on the page’s unique design.
  • They save money. Reusing existing layouts is a time-saver. Designers will spend less time experimenting with the layout and will focus more on visual hierarchy and other aspects of design that have a direct impact on user experience.

While each project is unique and requires an individual approach, it’s helpful to be familiar with common layouts. In this article, we’ll take a look at 11 very common layouts you can find on countless sites today.

1. Single column.

Single column layouts present the main content in a single, vertical column. This type of layout is perhaps the simplest from this list and is the easiest for users to navigate. Visitors simply scroll down to see more content.

Despite its simplicity, single column layouts are quite popular among many websites. The mobile revolution also had its impact on the popularity of this type of layout — single column layouts fit mobile screens perfectly.

When to use it.

This layout finds application in many personal blogs based on minimalistic design principles. This is a common layout for microblogs such as Tumblr.

Medium, a popular blogging platform, uses this kind of layout to present its stories. All articles on Medium are presented in a single column layout.

Design tips

  • Consider ‘sticky’ menus for long pages. Since the single column layout is often used for long-scroll pages, it’s essential to keep navigation always in sight. ‘Sticky navigation’ helps you avoid visitors needing to scroll all the way back to the top of the page to navigate.
Image Source: codemyui

2. Split Screen

A split screen (or one screen divided in two) layout is perfect for a page that has two main pieces of content of equal importance. It allows designers to display both items simultaneously while giving them equal consideration.

Two central elements are displayed simultaneously. Image Source: 62 models

When to use it

Split screen layouts are perfect when your site offers two drastically different variations of the user journey, such as two different types of instructions as we see in the Dropbox example below.

Split screen layouts are also ideal for contrast, and that’s why designers often use this layout to put two items against each other.

The opposing characteristics of duality (opposite colors). Image Source: Google Star Wars Customisations

Design tips.

  • Avoid using too much content in split sections. Split screen designs do not expand well as content grows, so it’s better to avoid choosing this type of layout if you need to provide a lot of textual or visual information in split sections.
  • Consider adding animation. You can create a more dynamic experience by incorporating animated details.
Image Source: Chekhov is Alive

Asymmetry is the lack of equality between two sides of the layout. Asymmetry is a long-time favorite technique in the art world, and has recently become popular among web designers.

Many people confuse asymmetry with imbalance but, in fact, the goal of asymmetry is to create a balance when it’s either impossible or not desirable to use equal weight for two sections. Using asymmetry makes it possible to create tension and dynamism, and asymmetry facilitates better scanning behavior by focusing a user’s attention on individual objects (focal points). By changing the width, scale, and color of each asymmetrical piece of content the designer urges the visitor to stay visually engaged.

When to use it.

This type of layout can be used when designers want to create interesting and unexpected layouts, while still providing directional emphasis. Appropriately applied, asymmetry can create active space that guides the eye from one element to another, even across emptiness. Consider how Dropbox clearly shows points of focus in the example below.

Asymmetry makes the Dropbox homepage appear more energetic.

Design tips.

  • Make sure your content can be presented in an asymmetrical layout. An asymmetrical layout is not practical for every site. It likely works the best for minimalist layouts.
  • Add focus with color. Asymmetry is rooted in the idea that an object with more visual weight will draw attention to it first. You can use elements with high color contrast to add visual weight to specific parts of the design.
High color contrast adds visual weight to specific parts of the design. Image Source: Culture PL

4. A grid of cards.

Cards are great containers for clickable information — — they allow designers to present a heavy dose of information in a digestible manner. Bite-sized previews (usually an image and a short description) help visitors find the content they like and dive into details by clicking or tapping the card.

The most important thing about a grid of cards is that this type of layout is almost infinitely manipulatable. Grids can vary in size, spacing, and the number of columns, and the style of cards can vary based on screen size (cards can be rearranged to fit any screen). That’s why grids of cards work so well with responsive designs.

When to use it.

A grid of cards layout is good for content-heavy sites that display a lot of items with equal hierarchy.

YouTube has a strict grid layout; straight rows of cards are grouped into categories.
Each pin on the Pinterest board is represented as a card.

Design tips.

  • Make the entire card clickable, not just specific parts. User interaction with a card is much more comfortable when users don’t have to click precisely on a card’s headline or image to access content details.
  • If your card contains an image, consider how it will look like on a smaller screen. An image that doesn’t scale well and becomes illegible on small screens creates a bad user experience.
  • Pay attention to white space between cards because it influences how visitors browse. More space between cards makes browsing slower, but visitors will pay more attention to each card. Minimal space allows for fast scanning but also increases the risks that visitors might overlook some content.
  • It’s possible to incorporate animated feedback. The card will appear as a clickable element.
Smashing Magazine has great animated feedback for its cards.

This is perhaps the most complex layout mentioned in this post. As the name suggests, this layout was initially popularized by newspapers and magazines, which had a problem presenting huge amounts of information to the reader in an easy-to-follow manner. Print designers used the grid system for this purpose. The layout is built using a modular grid that allows flexibility — a multi-column layout uses different visual weight to prioritize information.

The magazine layout allows readers to scan, read. and understand a page quickly. Image Source: New York Times

Similar to paper magazines, digital magazines use a multicolumn grid that allows you to create a complex hierarchy and integrate text and illustrations. The primary goal is the same — visitors need to be able to scan, read, and understand a page quickly. Designers strive to create a visual rhythm. They try to make it easier for the eye to scan the sections on the page and allow the eye to travel naturally from one block to another. At the same time, the designer tries to stop the different blocks from competing for attention.

When to use it.

The magazine layout is a good choice for publications that have a complex hierarchy with large amounts of content on a page. Without the effective use of a grid, it’s likely that all the content on the homepage would appear more cluttered and less organized.

A magazine-styled layout is best for news sites that have a lot of regularly-updated content in multiple categories.

Design tips.

  • This layout emphasizes headlines and images. The size of the headline/image is directly related to the attention it commands. More prominent elements draw a user’s focus faster than the less prominent one. Take the New York Times, for example — the most important content on the page has bigger thumbnails, larger headlines, and more detailed text.
The New York Times uses a different size for text to create a sense of importance — text sizes vary to create a visual hierarchy.
  • Laying out a grid requires attention to both the horizontal and the vertical rhythms, and they are equally important if you want to create a good layout. Consider the difference between the following examples. In the first example, the grid is consistent with column width and horizontal spacing, but the varied vertical spacing creates visual noise. In the second case, the horizontal column spacing and the vertical element spacing are consistent, and this makes the overall structure seem cleaner and more comfortable for the user who’s visually consuming the content.

6. Boxes.

This layout has a large header-width box, and a few smaller boxes that each take up a portion of the larger box’s screen real estate. The number of smaller boxes can range from two to five. Each of the boxes can be a link that leads to a larger, more complex page.

When to use it.

This is quite a versatile layout that can be used for both individual portfolio-like sites and for corporate/e-commerce websites.

Image Source: mrporter

Design tips.

  • Connect boxes to tell a story. The large box can be used to showcase products while the smaller boxes can offer further information on the product.
Image Source: Microsoft Surface

Navigation is a critical part of any website — the main menu is the first thing most users look for when they want to navigate. Along with top-side horizontal navigation, it’s possible to keep menu options in sight by placing it in a fixed sidebar. The sidebar is a vertical column on the left or right part of the page. For this layout, the sidebar stays stationary and always remains visible while the rest of page changes as users scroll the page down. This way navigation remains accessible.

When to use it.

This layout works well for websites with a relatively limited number of navigation options. It’s preferable that all options will be in-sight when a user enters the page.

Image Source: measponte

Design tips.

  • Sidebars can also contain content other than or in addition to a menu, such as social media links, contact information, or anything else you want to visitors to find easily.
Trefecta provides change language and page sharing options in the sidebar.

This layout is based on the idea that using images in design is the fastest way to sell a product. Images have an opportunity to create an emotional connection with visitors — a big, bold photograph or illustration of an object makes a strong statement and creates a stunning first impression.

When to use it.

This layout is great when you need to demonstrate only one product/service and focus a user’s entire attention on it.

The lack of other elements in this layout drive user attention entirely toward the product.

Using this type of layout, it’s possible to build a truly immersive, emotional experience. One great example is Species in Pieces, which offers a rich experience and raises awareness for endangered species.

Image Source: Species in Pieces

Design tips.

  • Make sure your graphic is good enough to be featured prominently. The image, photo, or illustration should be both relevant to the message you want to deliver and high-quality.
  • Consider typography. Typography accompanies the image. Size, typeface weight, and color are all properties of a typeface that need to be used to reinforce the design.

9. F-shape layout.

This type of layout was created based on the way users read content on the web. The F-shaped scanning pattern, originally defined by NNGroup, states that users typically scan heavy blocks of content in a pattern that looks like the letter F or E. Our eyes start at the top-right corner of the page, scan horizontally, then drop down to the next line and do the same again and again until we find something that catches our attention (interesting content). This scanning pattern is relevant not only for desktop users but also for mobile users.

When to use it.

This layout is good for pages that need to present a lot of different options and allow users to scan them fast. Visitors will respond better to the F-pattern layout, which mimics the natural scanning pattern. This is useful for a news site homepage or page that contains search results.

The New Yorker uses a F-shape layout on its homepage.

Design tips.

  • Adjust content according to scanning behavior. It’s worth placing the most important content on the left and right sides of the page, where the user begins and ends their horizontal scan. When visitors reach the end of the row, they pause for a split second before moving to the next row, and this pause gives you an opportunity to present content.
  • Use visual cues to guide the visitor. It’s possible to focus user attention on a specific element by putting more visual weight on it. For example, you can highlight keywords within a text to focus user attention.

10. Z-shape layout.

The Z-pattern layout also mimics natural scanning habits. Site visitors (from Western cultures) start in the top-left corner. They scan from the top left to the top right, forming a horizontal line. The next step, however, is a bit different — instead of dropping down directly, as in the F-shaped pattern, their eyes wander down and to the left side of the page, creating a diagonal line. Lastly, the glance back across to the right again, forming a second horizontal line.

When to use it.

While the F-pattern is better for scanning a lot of content, the Z-pattern is better suited for sites with a singular goal and less content. This pattern is effective at directing user attention to specific points by using well-placed visuals, text, and CTAs.

This layout is great when a site has a specific agenda or call-to-action that users are supposed to interact with. Image Source: Basecamp

Design tips.

  • Engage users with a zigzag (or continued Z-pattern). It’s possible to engage users in scanning by alternating text and images a few times to create a zigzag.
A zig-zag pattern is a Z-pattern repeated a few times on the same page. Zig-zags create a rhythm that keeps visitors interested. Image Source: Evernote

The core element of this layout is one big photo that is used as a background for the page. It’s used to introduce visitors to the site content. This layout has an opportunity to create a strong first impression and encourages user interaction.

When to use it.

This layout is great when you want to say less and show more.

Image Source: Searching For Syria

Design tips.

  • Choose a background image carefully. Since the layout is based on one single image it’s essential to select the right one. An irrelevant image can easily confuse visitors.
  • Use videos instead of images to engage visitors. It might be worth using video instead of a photo, especially when you need to demonstrate something in action.
Video gives you a better opportunity to engage your visitors over a static image. Image Source: Tesla
  • Don’t let the design reduce legibility. The text you use as an overlay over the image should be contrasting enough to be readable. If the text doesn’t contrast enough, consider adding an overlay to the image.
Image Source: Google Wallet

When designing a site, it’s important to remember that content is always king. The primary purpose of the website remains the publication of easily digestible content. Among many variations of content, it’s essential to select the one that makes your content shine.

Originally published at theblog.adobe.com on December 13, 2017.



Thinking Design
Thinking Design

Published in Thinking Design

Stories and insights from the Adobe Design team.

Nick Babich
Nick Babich

Written by Nick Babich

Product designer & editor-in-chief of UX Planet. Twitter https://twitter.com/101babich

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