10 Interesting Facts About Software Development
First things first
The first computer programmer was a woman, her name was Ada Lovelace who was born in 1815.
Fact #2
The most widely used programming language is still JavaScript with 49.47%. And what is curious is that 32.45% of the respondents said they’re not planning to use any new programming languages in the upcoming 12 months.
Fact #3
Did you know? A Full Stack Developer usually knows 4–6 main programming languages and frameworks.
Fact #4
The most important factors for project managers to measure developers' performance are: Working Software, Completed Tasks, and Code Readability
The number one cause of failure for most project managers is a lack of clearly defined deliverables, followed by unrealistic expectations and estimation.
Fact #5
Jira is the most-used tool for managing software development projects. Trello is the second most popular.
In the case of communication tools, Slack (58.66%) wins, followed by e-mail (45.06%), and then Jira (26.32%).
Fact #6
According to a survey, various web developers were asked what job title they would prefer most. They were asked to choose among the job titles like Engineers, Developers, Programmers, Senior Developers, and Full-Stack Developers. With 72.6 % of the vote, the title “Web Developer” was the most common choice.
Fact #7
In 1957, the first of the major programming languages appeared in the form of FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslating) System. The programming language was designed at IBM for scientific computing.
Fact #8
Scrum is the most often Agile Software Development methodology in 2020. You can see a clear advantage of this approach to project development if compared to other methodologies. Kanban is second. Interestingly, 17% of respondents indicated that they do not use Agile methodology at all. How does it look like for your projects?
Fact #9
Thomas Edison was the first person who uses the word “bug”. He uses the word “bug” to describe a technical issue. He used it in a letter that dates back to 1878. However, it wasn’t until 70 years later that the term became so popular.
At 3:45 PM, September 9, 1947, the first actual incident of a computer bug was recorded.
Fact #10
Mostly, programmers enjoy caffeine while coding, drinking 2–6 cups of coffee per day. Interesting!
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