Innovation Over Time: The Early Days of Software Development

Kyna Ysabel
Thinking Pandas
Published in
6 min readMay 14, 2021

The history of software development spans centuries, not decades. From the creation of the first adding machine hundreds of years ago, our human progress has been improving innovation in ways previously considered impossible. Along with that hardware, upgrades have been software improvements that have made our lives easier, from calculators, from massive machines like the ENIAC computer to smartphones and other mobile devices, computing has seen incredibly rapid technological change.

The evolution of software from operating systems and spreadsheets to mobile apps and games, you interact with software every time you use a computer is a fascinating look into how we manipulate the world around us, including the digital world that we’ve created.

The Early Days of Software Development

The evolution of software development stretches back hundreds of years when Ada Lovelace discovered that computers could follow a sequence of instruction — that is programming, hence, Lovelace was called to be the First Programmer.

Charles Babbage, AKA the “Father of the Computer” corresponded with Ada Lovelace for years, discussing math and computing as he developed the Analytical Engine. Lovelace’s notes clarified that she comprehended the Analytical Engine just as Babbage himself, and moreover, she how to cause it to do the things computers do. She suggested that the data input would program the machine to calculate Bernoulli numbers, which is now considered the first computer program. But more than that, Lovelace was a visionary: she understood that numbers could be used to represent more than just quantities, and a machine that could control numbers could be made to manipulate any information addressed by numbers. She anticipated that machines like the Analytical Engine could be used to utilized to create music, produce illustrations, and be helpful to science. Obviously, all that came true — in an additional 100 years.

On June 12, 1948, Computer researcher Tom Kilburn is liable for composing the world’s absolute first piece of programming at the University of Manchester in England.

Kilburn and his colleague Freddie Williams had fabricated probably the earliest computers, the Manchester Small-Scale Experimental Machine (or also known as the “Baby”). The SSEM was customized to perform numerical estimations utilizing machine code guidelines. This first piece of programming took “just” 52 minutes to accurately process the best divisor of 2 to the force of 18 (262,144).

For quite a long time after this groundbreaking event, computers were customized with poke cards in which holes meant explicit machine code guidelines. Fortran, one of the absolute first more significant level programming dialects, was initially distributed in 1957. The following year, analyst John Tukey began the word “software” in an article about computer software. Other spearheading programming dialects like Cobol, BASIC, Pascal, and C showed up over the course of the following twenty years.

Software Development Throughout the Ages

Software development today remains on the shoulders of what preceded. C is still a popular programming language, although it’s been edged out by its younger brother C++. Mobile operating systems are alive and well, as are the programming languages used to code them. And we continue to have more digital space in the same physical space, pushing the limits of technology farther and farther.

One of the biggest movements in modern software development has been including chips in previously “dumb” devices, such as a slow cooker. In the past, a slow cooker would have a dial with three options: off, low, and high. A modern slow cooker, however, might contain a chip with unique programming on it that lets you set the amount of time it should cook for and the temperature. Then, it will switch automatically to a warming setting to prevent the food from overcooking. This is just one example of a way in which custom software development has changed how we interact with technology.

In addition, custom Web app development has exploded with the Internet, and a lot of the resulting software has moved back into the server room, now that we don’t need to be tethered to servers that are in the same room as we are. Nowadays, it’s much more convenient to have an entire program running on a server somewhere else and served to you online, either on a desktop computer or a wireless device.

Current Trends in Software Development

Innovators are adopting:

  • Profound learning: a subset of AI dependent on artificial neural networks.
  • Blockchain: a developing rundown of records that are connected with cryptography.
  • Artificial intelligence: machine knowledge utilized in programming improvement (e.g., AI composing code or AI in programming testing).

Early adopters are embracing:

  • Serverless/lambda: an approach to construct serverless applications (e.g., AWS Lambda).
  • Responsive programming: a model organized around offbeat information streams (e.g., Java Completable Future).
  • Orchestration: a way to automatically configure, coordinate, and manage systems (e.g., cloud orchestration).
  • GraphQL: an open-source information question and control language for APIs.

An early majority has adopted:

  • Microservices: a strategy to split an application up into an assortment of approximately coupled administrations.
  • Permanent foundation: a way to deal with oversee administration or programming organizations (e.g., Infrastructure as Code).
  • Programming interface plan: the way toward creating application programming interfaces (APIs) that uncover backend information and application usefulness for use in new applications.
  • Lean: the use of lean assembling cycles to programming advancement (e.g., Kanban).

What do these trends enable? They help software development teams achieve the future, today. For example, NVIDIA has cards amazing enough for independent vehicles, with 320 trillion tasks every second on a card.

So, what is going to in software development?

What’s Next?

When looking back at the history of software development, it’s easy to ascertain where things may enter the longer term. As we enter the subsequent century, you can’t calculate technology remaining stagnant for an additional century, and hardware continues to enhance at a rapid pace. Will we keep on growing new devices that take care of old issues in smart new manners? What new advances will come in the programming language? What energizing programming ideas will wake up in the following century? As your task changes, so too will the manner by which you create and send it.

  • Developments will increase
  • Applications will get more modest
  • Equipment will vanish
  • Quantum registering will be a distinct advantage
  • The product will be proactive
  • Client Experience will (in any case) be #1


In the previous year, most would agree that all businesses have had a lot of innovative progressions. Everything from web-based media, to the capacity to prepare a full dinner with virtual voice orders, we can follow the beginning of each new headway back to the beginning of innovation. Albeit the post-CST period may have made ready for the time of AI, PCs, and the Internet, by and large, we owe everything to the past. Without PCs and every one of the long stretches of logical and clinical advances that have preceded, we probably won’t be the place where we are today.

However, if you’re looking for a Software Development Company, you should get to know Thinking Pandas Software Studio — a software agency where your ideas are beautifully executed by a dedicated tech team at your disposal. Offering a wide range of software solutions that can help you meet your objectives and make your business easier. Whether you’re a growing startup or an enterprise with complex needs, we can build the digital products that will drive your success today and for many years to come.

Get ready for the future of software development today!

