#TDCMCR 2016

Event preview

Thinking Digital
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2016


The second annual Thinking Digtial event is upon us and everyone is getting really excited for what’s coming up, from workshops to intriguing talks, Thinking Digital Manchester is shaping up to be a fantastic experience for all involved.

10th Oct: Workshops and Dinner

On the 10th we’ll be gathering at various locations around Manchester to learn and collaborate together.

Find out locations and more information about the workshops:

From learning code, to exploring VR we have something for everyone. The workshops are already officially sold out.

Later that evening we’ll be gathering at pre conference dinner at Revolucion de Cuba,(full pass only) where we can all get to know each other better over food and drinks in anticipation for the day ahead of us.

11th Oct: Showtime

The event will be at the fabulous Home in Manchester and registration starts at 8.30am and session one starts at 9.30am promptly.

Throughout the day our line up of world class speakers will be covering topics from blockchain, virtual reality, hacking, design, vlogging, and the usual combination of entertainment and inspiration.

930am — Session 1: Networked Intelligence

Speakers: Matt Lucas, Sarah Drinkwater, David Richards

11:30am — Session 2: Shapers

Speakers: Clara Gaggero Westaway, Ian Forrester, Jennifer Arcuri

14:10am — Session 3: Tales from the Near Future

Startup Competition & Speakers: Myles Dyer, Ed Barton, Amber Case

16:07pm — Session 4: A New Lens

Speakers: Amy Zima, Dave Asprey, James Veitch

We’ve got speakers from companies such as Twitter, IBM, Bulletproof, BBC, and Google Campus. See our full line up of speakers here. For now we wanted to give you a little preview into 5 of our speakers…

Amber Case: Cybernetic Anthropologist

We’re excited to have Amber join us at Thinking Digital.

Amber’s thoughts on our connection to our new external brains have fascinated audiences at SXSW, and her TED talk, “We are all Cyborgs now”, has been viewed over a million times (see below).

Case is the author of An Illustrated Dictionary of Cyborg Anthropology and Calm Technology, and the founder of CyborgCamp, an unconference on the future of humans and computers. One of National Geographic’s Emerging Explorers, she is the co-founder and former CEO of Geoloqi, a location-based startup that was acquired by Esri in 2012.

Amber‘s Thinking Digital talk is titled: ‘Physical and Digital: Finding the Balance that Makes the Ordinary Extraordinary’

Sarah Drinkwater: Community Catalyst

What can you create when you bring together doers, dreamers and developers in a sprawling, seven storey space? Down in Shoreditch, there’s a place called Campus London, a spot for founders to learn new spaces and meet new people.

Sarah Drinkwater is at the helm of a venue that had built a cluster of 55,000 members by its fourth birthday last year.

As well as mentoring on storytelling and communities, she helped to set up the UK’s first baby-friendly startup school, known as Campus for Mums. Sarah is also on the board of Code First: Girls, which helps young women upskill for tech roles.

Myles Dyer: Pioneer Youtuber

How can video blogging be used as a vehicle for social change? Myles Dyer first dipped his toe into YouTube in 2006, and has spent a decade exploring its potential to shape and inspire communities.

He he’s created videos on a range of subjects including education, wellbeing, activism, politics and entertainment, earning over 10 million views and close to 50,000 subscribers.

Myles profile has enabled him to work with organisations such as UNICEF, the Guardian and the BBC, and launch his projects such as the 24-hour non-stop live broadcast fundraiser known as Stickaid. He creates subscription-funded weekly videos on YouTube and Facebook, while also offering consultancy around video strategy.

James Veitch:

When online scammers got in touch, posing as Russian brides and Nigerian royalty, James Veitch started writing back.

The comedian’s exchanges formed the basis of a popular TED talk and a 2014 Edinburgh Fringe show called the “Fundamental Interconnectedness of Everyone with an Internet Connection”. Described by the Sunday Herald as “tears down your face funny”, the writer and performer popped up with his book “Dot Con” in 2015.

James has just been featured on TED.com with his hilarious talk ‘The Agony Of Trying To Unsubscribe’ — one we can all relate to.

Dave Asprey

How would your life change if you were just a little more efficient? For Silicon Valley investor Dave Asprey, the last two decades have been a quest to find out. Dave has spent more than $300,000 exploring how to “hack” his own biology, and says he’s turned into a better entrepreneur, husband and father as a result.

Dave founded The Bulletproof Executive to share how he upgraded his IQ, lost 100 pounds without excessive exercise and calorie-counting, and learned how to sleep more efficiently. He’s the creator of Bulletproof Coffee, a radio show host, and a New York Times best-selling author. Last year, he opened the first Bulletproof Coffee café in Santa Monica, published a Bulletproof-themed cookbook, and released his first documentary film — Moldy — through Bulletproof Films.


Once again, for those of you who are unable to attend we will be providing a livestream of the event in partnership with Manchester Evening News, make sure to follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube channel to tune in on the day.

