Creativity Challenge #4: The Daily UI Design Challenge

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1 min readApr 12, 2018
Photo by from Pexels

Last week, we discussed the #100DayProject, a daily art project with thousands of global participants.

This week, we have another creativity challenge, also near and dear to our hearts at ThinkWell: The Daily UI Design Challenge.

From their site:

Daily UI prompts, inspiration, and neat surprise rewards.
Oh, and it’s 100% free. Pretty cool, huh?

As soon as I personally finish the #100DayProject, I am giving this challenge a try. Not just to improve my UI skills, but for one other reason that I did not expect.

Committing to a daily challenge changed something in me. I found more time to do other things. I finally realized how much time is wasted every day, whether watching the news, surfing the net, or lounging about.

By setting aside time to do one thing I looked forward to doing, I suddenly found more time for chores, playing with my daughters, and taking care of our pets.

I noticed it by the second week. I had become less device-dependent. More interested in real world activities again. And far more active. I highly recommend a daily challenge of some kind, but especially a creative one, as it will literally rewire your brain.




AI aficionado, Illustrator, Coffee lover, Synth player, Pagan, Author of Tarot of the Unexplained and the upcoming, Magical AI Grimoire on Weiser Books.