The Beauty and Reason of Atheism

On a life empty of belief

Paul Thomas Zenki
Thinkpiece Magazine


Silhouette of a person in a swing against a starry evening sky
Image via Pixabay

So you’re a little kid, and every morning you walk out into this world full of wonder, a world so immense that it is beyond our comprehension and always will be. There is life continually springing from the earth, distant suns shining as stars flanked by their own planets, hard reality and deep mystery, and our own selves inexplicably aware of it all.

As you age you feel an unquenchable urge to move and learn and grow and love. As a baby you crawled and stood and walked and learned to speak and no one needed to prompt you. Sometimes you run, not because you have anywhere to go, but just because you are so full of energy and life that it makes you leap.

You grow up and you form friendships and experience loss. You build things, and when you’re finished, you stand back and look at what you’ve done with a sense of satisfaction and purpose. You find that small moments with those you love, which meant nothing much at the time, will linger and become precious to you. They will often comfort you in hard times and give you solace and hope.

You have a family and experience a depth of love, and grief, which you never imagined was possible. You see that all things come and go. Clouds disperse, even mountains erode over millennia to dust, and all living things die and cease to be…



Paul Thomas Zenki
Thinkpiece Magazine

Ghost writer, essayist, marketer, Zen Buddhist, academic refugee, living in Athens GA, blogging at A Quiet Normal Life: