You Might Be Gen-X If …

How high do you score on the X-ometer?

Paul Thomas Zenki
Thinkpiece Magazine


“It’s tough, kid, but it’s life.” (Dead Kennedys, Wikimedia Commons)

It wasn’t until I got to high school that I really started to figure it out. My generation was radically different from our parents, who were living a lot like their parents had at their age, and wanted to.

But clearly, we weren’t going to grow up to be like our folks. At all.

We were bound to grow up into something different, but no one had any idea what that would be, or what the world would be like when we got there. Everything was changing too damn fast.

It was scary, but also liberating in a way.

My parents split when I was twelve. I went to work at fourteen. Bought my own car at 16. Went to punk shows at the Metroplex and the 688. Made out on the sofa with my girlfriend while MTV played music videos. Printed my college papers from the mainframe in the computer lab, and wrote my graduate papers on an IBM PS/2 in my bedroom.

As an elder Gen-Xer, I feel a strong kinship with those who came up during my time and shortly after. We’re a diverse and often headstrong group. But there are touchstones that connect us.

Are you Gen-X?

Now pay attention, kids, because there will be a quiz. You might be a Generation Xer if…



Paul Thomas Zenki
Thinkpiece Magazine

Ghost writer, essayist, marketer, Zen Buddhist, academic refugee, living in Athens GA, blogging at A Quiet Normal Life: