9 Magic Phrases You Should Use To WOW Your Customers

Masud Hossain
8 min readFeb 26, 2017


Start making your customers happy

How to provide some quality customer service to clients? All you need to do is be aware of the information that you need to convey and the ethics to say them to your clients. However, you need to know that communication is not that easy and to gain communication skills is in itself, a really tough and time- consuming job. This is why I will let you know some of the everyday usage phrases that can help you in customer service job and improve your interaction with clients. Consider these phrases as your playbook which should be used by any customer service agent in his or her everyday interaction with clients.

“I completely understand how [blank] that must be”

Now what can you incorporate in this “blank”? This is a very crucial word indeed, because this single word can decide your tone and mood. You need to speak out this phrase when you are sure that your customer is upset about something and you have to clarify your stance.

Let us consider an example in this regard. Assume that you have ordered something from an online shop and because of some reasons, it came late or was sent to wrong address. You may be able to tolerate it and forget that considering a typical human error. But, let’s consider that your order was of a significant importance and really expensive. It has arrived late, you are charged more and the order quality is also not good. Now, if your customer service agent calls you and says, “I understand how annoying that must be”.

Now, what will you think? Will you be able to tolerate that? Well, this kind of response from the customer service agent will surely make you furious. The customer service agent needs to understand that a customer facing problem can be in a really bad mood and he is not only annoyed, he is upset and frustrated.

Don’t let your customers escape!

So, you have to choose and use this phrase carefully. Deal with emotion and try to assess the mood and feeling of your customer. Show some genuine empathy and use emotional tone to relax your customers and make them understand the problem. Convince them it won’t happen again.

You have to take care that your customer doesn’t feel degraded or being mocked at for being miserable. A harsh example would be, not to let them be pissed off because of your words. For any minor problem, where there is not much issue with the services of company, a customer service agent may use the word “annoying”, it will be reasonable in this case.

“I’d love to help as much as I can”

Often customer service agents have to encounter such customers who are asking for unreasonable favors or are complaining without purpose, at such point, a customer service agent may feel annoyed but can’t find words for rejecting the request of their customer. Now, if the customer requests for something which is not feasible at all, how are you going to answer when you can’t obviously say a blunt “No”.

1# Tip for amazing customer service!

In such cases, it will be better to answer carefully and say to the customer that you would like to help as much as you can but can’t go out of the way of your company or give him unreasonable favor. You can talk logically stating the company’s policy and say to the customer that the request can’t be processed because of a certain clause or section of company policy. Using positive language may be hectic but it can sure save your ass when it comes to being a customer service agent.

Now, what are the words that you need to avoid here. If you are saying such thing as, “I would be honest here, Sir, the company doesn’t allow [this] or [that]”. You are here sounding like you are fed up of your company policy or are not just satisfied yourself with your company. Moreover, what are you trying to say here? Are you giving a hint that at times, you are dishonest but in this particular situation you are being honest? So, steer clear of such ambiguous words and use more straight and clear words like “Sorry Sir, but our policy won’t allow us.”

“I’ll be more than happy to help”

The customers usually just talk to the customer service agent and then walk away. The feedback ratio is very less. So, in this case, a customer service agent can’t always ensure whether the customer is satisfied or not. This is the very task of a customer care representative that you have to ensure complete satisfaction of your customers. Include a closing message in such cases so that the customer feels free to share his concerns in future too.

Don’t let the customers think as if you are being irritated or annoyed after talking to them. You shouldn’t let your customers feel as if they are causing trouble to you and wasting your time. Treat them politely while assuring their comfort level at every step and let them know, you are extremely happy to hear them out and solve their issues. Responding to their queries is a responsibility of a customer care agent, not a favor.

Good vs Bad experiences

“That’s a great question, I’ll be glad to find that out for you!”

What if the customer asks for something that you don’t have much information about? This can be surely a very tricky situation to tackle, especially if you are new. So, if you are in such situation, never rush to say that you are sorry but you don’t know anything or that you are new so don’t have any info. In short, don’t act like a dumb person who is not suitable for the job he is doing.

Rather, you need to make the customer understand that you will soon get the answer to his query and will resolve it. You can tackle this by saying this, “Great Question Madam, I will surely find that out for you and will be writing back with the answer to your query.”

Even thea economy is affected

“I completely understand why you’d want that.”

There are many customers who like to give their input and valuable feedback for including any feature or service. They basically indicate those areas that have a room for improvement. Tell them you are really happy to know that your customers are contributing their part in the betterment of company and will definitely think over their opinions. Even if you feel that the feature that they are requesting is out of your company’s scope, you cannot reply oddly by saying a blunt “no”. Let the customers know you are grateful for their feedback.

“It was great getting to know you”

For a customer care representative, real customer engagement is the key to success. For gaining this key, the customer care agent will have to exchange a few pleasantries. If a customer is initiating a conversation with you, then you have to deal with him or her in a polite manner and use a friendly tone to respond to his or her queries. Be passionate and friendly so that the people at receiving end can know how competent and nice you are.

Responsiveness is key

“Thanks for the heads up and bringing it to our attention”

The quality control in any company needs to first figure out any issues with product and then the respective department works to enhance quality by resolving those issues. In such cases, feedback from customers plays the major role and this is the reason why the people who report bugs in products are really helpful for the company. These customers can help a company know about area of improvement and do something about that.

So, you must be ready to thank such customers for pointing out bugs in your product. You can say to them “Thank you so much for the heads up!” or you may express your gratitude in some other words that the customer spent some of his valuable time in bringing an error to company’s consideration.

These are such valuable customers who not only give a feedback but also go out of the way to give you a chance to improve your service. Do offer some kind words in recognition of their deeds in return. Tell them they are of significant importance for the company.

“May I ask why you feel that way?”

There are a lot of complainers and critics on the internet. They may also use really harsh words for any feature, service or product of your company. Now, your job is to find a way to deal with such criticism but without using the same tone as they did.

Do it with the right attitude

Remember, if the person in front of you is a bad guy, you should not be like him. So, it doesn’t matter whether he uses some really abrasive language. If a person comments about your product or service in a very abrasive tone, then you can politely ask, “May I ask why that is?”. You will just be asking details and additional feedback but will not be using any harsh words as the other person had done in first place. So, you will always be at the right place.

“I’d love to learn and understand more about”

When you are engaged in a conversation with any customer, you have to respond to their queries while ensuring a timely response. You might also want to know about the root cause if any so that the feedback is helpful for your company. Not every customer will speak up fully to you but if anyone does, do credit him for that and express gratitude in return.

Get them to say WOW!

In such scenario, where you want to know more from a customer, you can simply say, “I would love to understand more about …”. A person likes to be listened so tell your customers that you are listening to them and are giving significant importance to their suggestions and feedback.

Customer Service It’s just a Language

You must know that good communication skills are vital part of customer service. The phrases mentioned in this article will really improve on the craft helping customer care agents go a long way in meantime.

