CEED: What is a Community-based Entrepreneurial Ecosystem?

Think Rubix
Think Rubix
Published in
Jan 13, 2021

An entrepreneurial ecosystem is an interconnected network of social and economic resources affecting local and regional entrepreneurship. Resources committed to entrepreneurs’ ecosystems are allocated within a geographic area or specific industry to create, incubate, and accelerate entrepreneurial ventures.

Resources allocated provide access to:

  • Talent
  • Capital
  • Space
  • Business development services
  • Intellectual property
  • Equipment
  • Technology

Activities within an entrepreneurial ecosystem stimulate deal flow, create more jobs, and encourage capital investments.

Our definition places emphasis on “community,” adopting the theory of the neighborhood economy — a microeconomic trend that focuses on building community wealth and vibrant neighborhoods. This approach decentralizes economic activity in order to share economic mobility among a diverse and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem.

