Equity, Innovation, and a Fierce Commitment to Better: Our 2020 Library of Impact Report

Think Rubix
Think Rubix
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2021


In this report, we take a deep dive into the many ways we helped our clients, from governments bringing equity into their ecosystems to businesses awakening to the need for structural change within their organizations, solve a massive range of problems in 2020. Our work ranged from branding and storytelling to envisioning and executing complete overhauls of the way organizations work, and both we and our clients were better off for it.

Looking back on 2020, it’s hard to describe our experience without bringing up the words we’ve all heard repeated constantly in the past year: unprecedented, crisis, challenges, tragedy, anger, and injustice. It tested everyone and everything in ways we previously couldn’t imagine, so the word of our 2020 was undoubtedly survival. But 2020 also taught us: triumph, love, community, collaboration, courage, and tenacity. And we’re taking it all with us into 2021.

Think Rubix (TR) knows that moments of such massive upheaval and strife also represent the greatest opportunity for change — and that’s what sets us apart. In a year that sent the country into turmoil, we held space, and continue to hold space, for the grief it caused while also recognizing that these crises brought a chance to make something good out of the chaos. TR met the moment to help our clients not only confront the crises of the day, but to reimagine, actualize, and sustain a fundamentally different path for all of us than the one that led to the chaos and tumult of 2020. That path is grounded in equity, justice, and a fierce commitment to bettering our shared world.

We’re proud to release our 2020 Library of Impact Report, highlighting the groundbreaking work that TR undertook in pursuit of this new path. In the report, we showcase some of the top ways we helped changemakers seize the opportunity for a better and bolder future, and outline our vision for what that future might look like.

TR had to be flexible in our approach to a wide range of challenges our clients faced in 2020. When Breonna Taylor was murdered by a police officer in her own home — a tragedy our team felt deeply in our bones — we knew we had the resources and expertise to help sustain the movement to hold those responsible accountable. So TR partnered with our client, Until Freedom, to provide management, administrative help, and logistical support to their occupation of Louisville demanding justice for Breonna and policy changes both in the city and the wider state.

But that’s far from the only crisis we faced last year. In this report, we take a deeper dive into the multitude of ways we deployed our incredible team to help our clients, from governments seeking to introduce equity into their ecosystems to businesses awakening to the need for structural change within their organizations, solve a massive range of problems. Our work ranged from branding and storytelling to envisioning and actualizing complete overhauls of the way organizations work, and both we and our clients were better off for it.

Of course, our work is only as good as our team, and in 2020, we leveled up. We recognized that the gravity of the moment, and our capacity to shape it, required investing in a wide range of skill sets and know-how. So we grew our team to reflect the diversity of expertise and talent that lets TR operate across a wide range of projects, and we’re proud to showcase the stellar crew of folks we’ve gotten together in the report here.

Not many startups survive long enough to see 4 years. And not many equity-centered, social innovation consultancies survive long enough to see 4 years, particularly amid early staff transitions, honing of mission, withstanding Trumpism, and enduring a global pandemic. But we’re here. We’re in the fourth chapter of our enterprising journey and we’ve learned more than we could have bargained for about the world we live in and the systems that make it work.

Though we’ve survived long enough to say “we’re here,” there’s just so much more to do. We’re inspired by the tenacity of the late Kobe Bryant who famously said, “but we’re not done yet.”

We’re incredibly excited to continue this work in 2021 as we push into new frontiers and expand our capacity to make problem-solving simple. As we reflect on our successes in 2020, we recognize that a new year brings new challenges, and our team stands ready to help you take them on with clarity, innovation, and a drive you won’t find anywhere else.

Read the report here, and see how we can help YOU design the future.

