🚘 Functional Automation: Selenium, Java, Extentreports

Test Suites & Response times.

Image Credit: Quality Magazine

🚙 Context:

Many times, it used to take considerable time to set up a test project structure quickly for functional test engineers. This article is intended,

  1. To do a rapid prototype using a Chrome Driver running across operating-systems.
  2. Setup ExtentReports for reporting and making it useful across tests and suites to measure the response times & explains the test of how exactly it performed step by step.
  3. Eliminates to share the bug reproduction steps. This is an important factor to save the co-ordination time and to avoid “to & fro” arguments across Test & Dev Teams.

🚙 Quick Hands-on:

Observe the highlights in the below screenshot.

  1. Extent Manager is our custom component to manage a Singleton Extent Component and the corresponding HTMLReporter that can live across tests.

2. Build Gradle ← explains the libraries required to run the application

3. Chrome Drivers that support across OSs (OSX & Windows)

4. testng.xml ← explains about the test suites and the order of tests to run

5. Extent Manager ← Explains about the object creation needed to generate the report after tests run.

6. Test Config ←Explains the actions to be done pre & post of test suites and test execution.

7. A sample test ←Explains the Steps and Tests that need to be a part of test report.

8. Screenshots ← will be taken automatically into a test-output folder.

🚙 Finally, The Report looks like this. Play with a live example here.


Special Thanks to Sushmita Gangarapu & Sapna Joshi (CONT) for reviewing, comments, and guidelines.

Find my other articles @ my publication: ThinkSpecial

