Personal Goals vs Team Goals

Vinay C
Think Tank
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2019
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Many a time we come across the situation where you want to do something in life, but your company wants you to do something else.

Someone likes to learn machine learning, while your team works mainly on UI (angular) or mainframe (or some old tech).

Someone loves writing/blogging but works as an accountant or a chef or a sales executive at some big corporation.

If your personal vs work goals are totally different, there’s nothing wrong in it. The universe is not perfect.

Once you realize two simple facts you won’t think about it the same:

Fact 1

The primary goal of any company is to serve the customers, NOT EMPLOYEES!

Fact 2

You don’t own the company, neither does the company own you.

If a recession comes you will be fired. Similarly, if you are offered double/triple the current salary elsewhere, you will quit!! So, Don’t get attached emotionally to the company you work for.

It is okay if your goals are not aligned with the Company’s/team’s goals.

What can you do about this?

Mind your own business!

Who’s stopping you!

Be it learning a new language, musical instrument, writing a book, blogging, singing, dancing.. whatever it is.. chase your passion. Learn skills you are passionate about, attend meetups, workshops, and courses.

In today’s world, you can learn almost anything online and many of them are free. So the only thing limiting your potential is your “Passion”.

Some people complain about not having time!! You have 52 weeks in a year, so just considering the weekends alone, you can have 100 days dedicated for your passion every year!

Chase your passions, have fun!!!

Nobody is stopping you!


The Balancing Act

There’s more to life than work. Try to avoid opening your laptop for the sake of “work” after office hours. I personally go one step further and even avoid taking phone calls from office colleagues 😜 I let it go to missed call list and wait for a message on WhatsApp notification (happens often than you think) and I respond back only if it is something non-work conversation 😅 like planning for a movie or a weekend trip etc.

You have one life, live it to the fullest.

Trust me you will not have regrets of not stretching for an hour or two extra after office hours, but for sure you will cherish even the smallest memories with your family and friends 😊

Find balance in life

Having said all this, It is equally important to give full focus at the workplace because this is what pays your bills. Be grateful for what you have. Many people envy what you have! So, value what you have and give your best at the workplace.

Work smart, not hard.

Read about the 80/20 principle to understand better what you need to focus and prioritize to make a bigger impact at the workplace.

Again, who’s stopping you!

You still have one last choice, that is to move on to a different team or company where you think there’s a match between yours and the company’s goals. This is a win-win option for both parties.

Nobody is stopping you!


From experience, I would say there will always have to be some level of compromise from your side.

There’s no perfect job/company;

The universe itself is not perfect, this is nothing in comparison 😅

Thanks for reading

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Vinay C
Think Tank

Principal Engineer @ Oracle | Microservices, Cloud & AI Evangelist | |