Race To The Richness — The illusion

Bigger salary is not enough to make you rich!

Vinay C
Think Tank
Published in
2 min readApr 16, 2019


The Reality

More than 95% of the people in this world have a 9–5 job. They get their paychecks by the end of the month, spend almost everything and maybe save a little for the rainy day!

This goes on and on for many years to come.

Most people belong to one of three categories:

  • Just stay at the same company, happy with whatever they get.
  • Work harder every day and get a good hike once a year.
  • Change companies often to get a bigger salary hike.

The Illusion

By chasing salary hikes, Most people think they are “racing to the richness”, instead, they are in a “rat-race” which is never ending!

A bigger salary is not enough to solve your problems!

A bigger salary will only make you grow expenses to lead a “better lifestyle”.

Even if you were considerate enough to lead a simple lifestyle, no matter how much you earn, “Inflation” is going to kill the “value” of your hard earned money. For example, Breakfast which used to cost 20 INR about 10 years ago, costs approx 45 INR today!

Whether you like it or not inflation will keep killing the value of your hard earned money!

Remember “Power of Compounding”? this applies to INFLATION too, making things even worse as time passes!

Lessons From The Donkey

Just imagine the above picture and think of yourself as the donkey and your “company” is your owner sitting on top. (no offense :P)

Working in a job just for money is like the donkey chasing a carrot!

Donkey’s owner gets to go where he wants to go, while donkey keeps chasing for one carrot at a time!

The donkey might get the carrot very often, but it will keep chasing the carrot for the rest of its life!


I’m not asking you to quit your job!

I’m definitely not asking you to lower your salary hike expectations! :P

All I’m saying is, go to work more than just for the sake of money.

Do what you love, learn something new every day, connect with new people, make a difference,...

Also remember, There’s more to life than just work!

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Vinay C
Think Tank

Principal Engineer @ Oracle | Microservices, Cloud & AI Evangelist | www.vinayc.me | www.linkedin.com/in/imvinayc