11 untold smarter ways to achieve your goals faster

4 min readNov 23, 2023

Hazrath Ali (R.A) Said, “Laziness is a blight of success.”


Lazy and procrastinating people who are impatient and quit their path can never achieve their goals.

The smartest way to achieve your goals!

After learning these methods your pals will envy you and wonder what you did to achieve this great success.

There are mainly 11 smart and untold methods to achieve your goals.

1- Make an idea and visualize your end goal:

An idea is everything because great things happen with great ideas. And an amazing idea is like a light in your life. It shows hope when there is no hope to move forward in life. You must visualize an end result like getting an award for writing a great screenplay.

2- Make a Master plan to achieve your goal and make that idea into reality:

You must give some hours to yourself to contemplate your idea into reality and make a deep Master plan to achieve it. Planning takes time but it`s worth it.

3- Put that Master plan into a written form:

After you have made a Master plan in your head put that plan on a paper. Write down each and everything. And write in a detailed way like a step-by-step guide.

4- Make a goal map and do intensive research on your project:

If you read Ikigai a famous book on Kindle Amazon you would know what I am talking about. Make a clear goal map describing the path clearly to reach your destination. After making a map or a chart do intensive research on the subject, collect data watch videos, read articles, and just gather information and know the subject deeply and intensively. After your research is completed start creating. And I know everyone knows that you cannot achieve your goal in just one go. You must have patience. You must take proper steps towards it.

5- Make a timetable for completing tasks:

Don`t overload yourself with many tasks in one go, understand your potential and capacity and also the time you can give to the project. After analyzing this, make a proper timetable for completing one task in one day.

6- Consistency is key to success Enroll in a course and keep on learning:

I know it`s hard. You can get distracted, and you can get disturbed by some personal problems or health issues of loved ones in your life, but still, you have got to move on and be consistent no matter what. Complete your task of the day. And keep on learning and improving your skills.

7- Keep it top secret:

Things we say to others don`t really happen or take much longer time to become reality. Don`t slip secrets from your tongue keep them secret. Work hard in silence so that your result makes a successful noise in the whole world one day instead of making a hush-hush about what you are doing.

8- Pray for your success:

Sometimes we face many hurdles in our path to reaching our goal I often get stuck with some technical issues that are not easily resolved. These types of distractions encourage us to delay and procrastinate. Do not lose hope if you cannot solve one task, move forward with other things and other tasks that you could do better. Have patience and get some professional help to resolve that issue later. And if you are stuck, Pray to god and god will help you resolve and rectify soon.

9- Follow a healthy morning routine:

Do you know why because if you are surrounded by bad company and bad habits, and if you become sick often, you cannot achieve your goal. Boycott those bad habits and cut the cord from the toxic people who do not serve you and only hurt you in some way or another. Quit the company and work hard. Allah will give you boundless rewards for your loyal efforts.

10-Do not quit and never give up move forward with the plan:

The time will come when pressured to quit like your loved ones are hospitalized, you fell sick, in debt, or parties, ceremonies, picnics, or holidays out. There are always temptations and disturbances but still do not lose hope. Move forward, do not quit, as quitters never win, and winners never quit.

11- Take baby steps towards success:

As I said before, never overburden yourself with a solid task that you cannot complete in one day. Take very tiny steps towards your goal no matter what happens in your life. Give daily one hour to your goal. If not one hour, give half an hour, and if not half an hour, give 20 minutes daily. And if you cannot give that 20 minutes, make a 2-minute rule whenever you find yourself free for 2 minutes in a day. Give those 2 minutes to your goal and see the difference; you are never going to take no for an answer. And one day even the tiniest step will help you reach your goal and your desired destination.

I want to dedicate this article to my dear friends on medium

Marilyn Glover Katherine Myrestad Margie Willis

Hein V Azhar Hussain Benito Bartolo Nicole Dake




Author of 15 books on Kindle,A poet, creative fiction writer and blogger catch me at https://www.amazon.com/author/farahnaaztww