7 spiritual secrets hidden from you for a long time!

6 min readDec 21, 2023

Hazrath Ali (R.A) said,

“There is no garment more beautiful than vitality.”


7 Spiritual secrets have been hidden from you for a long time; they are hidden, unknown till now.

And today, I want to share those secrets.

1- Creation of blockages in mind:

Some people can even be your loved ones or your enemies who don’t want you to move forward. Some people create shields when you open up with them. That shield creates strange energy that does not allow you to be yourself.

Have you ever wondered why you could not complete any task successfully in a day despite making an effort and having a lot of passion to complete it?

You feel something is stopping you and some weight on your lap does not allow you to take the plunge, get up, and move forward with your goal. And you cannot understand what it is.

That is an energy-blocking energy that is responsible for blocking your way. You can create that energy in your mind or else someone else creates it with their mind because they do not want you to move forward with your goal. Sometimes, because of fear that you would leave and move away from them, usually loved ones have this fear or else because of envy and jealousy.

What is the solution?

The solution is simple; you must work at a time when no one is around you or when everyone is sleeping, during dawn and early mornings. That time, no energy will be surrounding you, so surround yourself with divine energy. Pray to god, start your work.

Early morning is the best time to for your talents and creativity.

2- Mental expectations:

It happens to me when I want to say something good to someone and I am excited about saying it, but then it does not happen and I end up saying the same thing to somebody else. Then I feel the energy that he or she was expecting of those words from others. Also, this happens with food. Sometimes, I prepare a delicious meal for certain people and they do not come. In their place, other people came and enjoyed the meal, and then I could feel the people who did not come were not expecting anything good from me and people who came were expecting this from me.

I can even give an example of my mother-in-law. She never wanted me to cook for her son and hated it when I cooked anything for my husband. She interrupted my cooking so much that automatically it didn’t go well. The meal got messy and did not taste well. But recently she got a fracture in her hand and she could not make chapatis so she expected me to cook it for her. Voila, the chapatis were made so well and I could not believe I baked them so good, then I wondered why it worked that time and not before.

People`s expecting energy is strong; it comes and strikes you like a hard stone and at the exact place where it has to attack.

One old man in our far relatives suffered from cancer and doctors said he could not survive for more than two months. But he survived for 6 months and when six months passed everyone thought about the man’s doctors telling him he would die, but he was alive. And when everyone started thinking that way, news came that he did die.

Prophet Mohammed (SAAW) Said one thing which increases a person`s lifespan is charity and being good to your relatives.

It means when you give gifts to others and help them financially and emotionally support your relatives, loved ones, and other poor people. These people start expecting more good coming from your side and they expect help and support from you both financially and emotionally. Every time they pray for your good because you are doing good to them thus it increases your lifespan. They send good energy toward you that makes you healthy and increases your life.

3- Low energy side effects:

I am a person who always wants to celebrate each moment of my life and I remember days when I visited others with so much excitement wanting to do many things with them but what I found was the silent lonely gloomy atmosphere at home. Everything was messy, dirty, and disorganized. A person sleeping on the sofa and someone complained they were not feeling well, back was paining, the head was paining, someone got sick and they needed to go to the doctor, or else they had other important work to do. And they didn’t sleep last night and they are busy and they have no time to make hay and enjoy. Dhutt teriki.

This is an example of low energy levels.

4-The best example of a toxic person is when they grow jealous of your cheerfulness and happiness:

They want to stop you from smiling and being happy and they become happy and desire your unhappiness and tears. Their toxic energy will make you come into a trap and stick you in some conflict and dispute with others. And they get a chance to enjoy your dispute with others. These are side effects of people who have low and toxic energy which desires others’ sorrows tears and sufferings.

5- The sending of energy can be said to be an energy parcel:

You may or may not know that people send energy to one another. It`s all about how they feel for you. If you do good to them they send good energy and if you hesitate to do good for them, they send you bad energy — energy of anger, curses, and hate. An energy of anger, envy, and hate can kill a person. It can even lead to sudden death. You must take protection from Allah and pray regularly so that these energies do not harm you.

6- Blame is a weight we put on others and ourselves:

Have you ever realized why people cry and burst into tears just because someone made a wrong allegation about them or blamed them for something they did not do? It`s because blame has a negative weight and blame is a negative energy that is heavy and when a person feels that heaviness on their chest inside their soul they start taking their defense and become angry.

They start giving reasons, excuses, and clarifications to prove they are innocent and refuse to take responsibility for the blame on their shoulders. Generally, 95% of people fight because of the blame, playing a blame game, and fighting with one another. A remarkable sign of a good person is that they do not pick faults in others, they are forgiving and they do not like to blame others for anything. But this world is bad, most people play a blame game nowadays and fall into disputes.

7- Compassion is a miraculous emotion that heals the universe:

Compassion is an integral part of spirituality and divinity. Allah is the most merciful and compassionate one and compassion is an emotion that makes miracles. Allah has made Mother on Earth an angel who is a compassionate soul for her children. Wherever there is compassion there is life and happiness; wherever there is no compassion there is all darkness and diseases. As a relationship expert, I say when you learn compassion you do not need to learn anything to make any relationship perfect because compassion teaches you to be in others’ shoes and feel their pain and suffering as your own.

If you find these spiritual secrets antique and like you never heard before then please do give me a thumbs up down below. For more information on spirituality go to my website www.myhazrathali.com

I want to dedicate this article to my dear friends on medium

Marilyn Glover Margie Willis Nicole Dake Hein V Benito Bartolo

Katherine Myrestad Azhar Hussain




Author of 15 books on Kindle,A poet, creative fiction writer and blogger catch me at https://www.amazon.com/author/farahnaaztww