Event #1 Recap: Reflections from our Think Tank!

Third Eye Collective
Third Eye Collective
3 min readDec 17, 2018

Our first event! It was amazing to have you all join and share your ideas. We gathered all the sticky notes, thought starters, and impact ladder notes, and here’s what we came away with!

(Thanks to Ideo.org for creating the original impact ladder!)

We’ve reached the second wave of cultural awareness.

The taboo behind being something other than a doctor, lawyer, or engineer is beyond us. Yes, the creative fields are still not seen as particularly “equal,” but we’ve gone out and done it. And we have our South Asian peers to point to as examples. It’s time for a deeper look.

For our generation, the education comes from each other, and those who came before us. The peers + mentors who’ve all experienced immigration, third-culture-ism, and/or a duality…but have yet another layer to add to their identities from the diverse ways we grew up.

South Asia is huge y’all! Our cultures are similar, but we’ve got lots of looking in to do in order to represent and support each other equally.

“We need to be able to speak about South Asian identity on a deeper layer. No longer answering questions on typical stereoptypes.”

We need leverage for brands to see the value in investing in our culture.

The advertising and branding world hasn’t realized this, but our purchasing power is huuuuge.

Like, $90 billion dollars huge.

Not only does it benefit media companies to invest in us and carry South Asian representation, but their interest is also how we’ll share our authentic identity with a bigger audience.

“Collecting and sharing data points on South Asians…that’s when we get to show real impact on our purchasing decisions.”

We need a community ready to help each other.

So how do we get people to notice? How do we get brands interested in repping us? How do we put our culture and careers on the map?

It starts with each other.

Feedback, critique, community — these resources are essential for us to see the value in ourselves and each other.

It’s only when we feel pride and confidence in showcasing where we come from, that we’ll be able to share it fearlessly with those who look on. This mission is whatThird Eye Collective stands for. Our platform is yours to make home: Bring your ideas; bring your work; tell us what you need. Our local community is your bank of resources — for career growth in the unique way that our generation needs.

“De-exoticizing our culture is necessary to legitimize us on the main stage.”

“When we understand all facets of our subcultures, we are better equipped to help and represent each other. And with this, we uplift our heritage in the media.”

Thanks for coming and we’ll see you in the next year :) Keep your eyes peeled for our Mentorship Platform launch!

Anumeha+ Reema

Got some thoughts? We’re all ears.



Third Eye Collective
Third Eye Collective

An accelerator for South Asian creatives. Profesional community + talent incubator program.