What Happened the First Time I Tried Automatic Writing

My surprising result

Heather Paz
3 min readDec 13, 2022
A woman writes on a notebook on a cluttered wooden desk
Photo by RODNAE Productions: https://www.pexels.com/photo/wood-nature-man-people-6806426/

What is automatic writing? Editors at Brittanica.com say, “automatic writing [is], in spiritualism, writing produced involuntarily when the subject’s attention is ostensibly directed elsewhere.”

There are a variety of ways to practice automatic writing. Some key components include posing a question or choosing a topic, closing your eyes (if possible), and writing whatever comes to mind. The process is centered in the now moment, flowing freely rather than halting to analyze.

Grammar, spelling, structure, style, or other literary conventions should not be a concern.

You may choose to set a timer or leave the writing session open-ended. When completed, pause and regard the finished product with openness and curiosity.

The result may not be readily understandable or pretty, but that’s OK. Circling or highlighting interesting parts may prompt another round or yield an idea for a traditional piece of writing. Further,

“Automatic writing is a great way to get your creative juices flowing or uncover some subconscious feelings or ideas.” -Alexander Peterman. M.A.

If interested, you may enjoy this article that explores automatic writing’s origins and broadens the approach:

