Episode 33: Legalized Airbnb w/ Nina Feldman

Third Wave Urbanism
Third Wave Urbanism
2 min readOct 31, 2017
Out the window in Amsterdam (Photo by Katrina Johnston-Zimmerman)

Airbnb can be a contentious issue — it can give you a more affordable place to stay, a more authentic experience in a city, and allow you to meet new people from the places you’re visiting. On the other hand, it can “black out” entire blocks of tourists, drive up prices, and take valuable rental units off the market that could otherwise potentially be affordable. In this week’s Next City partnered article, contributor Nina Feldman walks us through the New Orleans experience — a city reliant upon its tourism industry — six months after it implemented regulations on legalized Airbnb.

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As always, you can keep up with our thoughts and send us your comments on Twitter or Instagram:
Katrina can be found at @think_katrina
Kristen can be found at @blackurbanist

Episode references:

Main article by Nina Feldman, Here’s What New Orleans Looks Like Six Months Into Legalized Airbnb — https://nextcity.org/daily/entry/heres-what-new-orleans-looks-like-one-year-after-legalizing-airbnb

Our live recording scheduled for NACTO’s Designing Cities conference this week! — https://nacto.org/event/live-podcast-third-wave-urbanism/

Intro and closing music is “Urban Life” by Gustavs Strazdin used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode



Third Wave Urbanism
Third Wave Urbanism

A podcast on what we like to call the third wave of livable urbanism in the 21st century as told by two young urbanists Katrina + Kristen.