A long black with — Andrew Gunstone

Bec Mercer
Thirst thinking
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2017

This week we interview the other half of the founding team, and Technical Director of Thirst Studios — Andrew Gunstone. Discover the little known traits behind one of our fearless leaders, including his super power!

When did you start at Thirst?

302BC (yes, I’ve been doing this for a while!)

Where are you from?


Prior to Thirst I was…

A ninja, an astronaut, an explorer, a philosopher and a rock-star...

What fuels you?

Coffee and doughnuts.

One thing you could change to make the world better:

Much less of the left vs right thing. How about we all just get along?

When you’re at the studio, what do you get your kicks from?

I love problem solving. It doesn’t really matter if it’s a business problem, design problem or technical problem … there is always a solution! It’s important to me that I bring my best self into the office, and solving problems is what I do best.

What has working in this industry taught you?

Patience and empathy. Working in the UX field you have to develop an understanding of other peoples wants and needs, and worry less about your own. I was pretty black and white prior to working in this industry, I hope I’m more patient and empathic now.

What does accomplishment feel like?

Celebrating with doughnuts … oh and the rest of the awesome Thirst team!

What is/could be your superpower?

Lazer eyes. Pew pew pew!

What is your go to afternoon snack?

Did I mention I like doughnuts?

What is your spirit animal?

Lone wolf. At least that is how I see myself. I’m probably a fluffy bunny in reality.

Your favourite or most used apps:

Google Chrome (it does everything!)

Currently listening to:

The new Smith Street Band album! It’s a cracker.

Currently reading:

The latest Lee Childs, Jack Reacher novel.

What do you do for fun?

You mean other than more work? Work is fun right? Seriously though … I love getting out of the city and taking a good long walk in the Dandenong Ranges, Castlemaine, Daylesford, etc. I grew up in the country, and getting back out there on a weekend helps clear the brain!

Current obsession:

As a purpose-driven company, I’ve been obsessed recently with Thirst Studios becoming a B-Corp organisation. It’s been a long, but very very worthwhile process. At home I’m simply obsessed with growing fruit and veggies in pots! It’s the country boy in me.


Thanks to Andrew for baring his soul for this short interview. You can follow him on Twitter to see more of what makes him tick!



Bec Mercer
Thirst thinking

Experience Designer at Thirst Studios by day, roller derby hero by night.