Are You an Old Soul?

Here are eight signs that you may be.

Stephen Geist
Thirty over Fifty


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

You’ve probably heard the term “old soul” before. But you may not be entirely sure what it means.

While the term “old soul” may sound mystical, it simply refers to individuals who carry the spiritual wisdom from many previous lifetimes into their current existence in this 3D reality.

And in this life, old souls have a deep understanding of themselves and the world around them. They are on a quest to know more about life and what it really means to live.

Old souls know who they are and what they stand for. They understand the importance of peace and harmony — and they work hard to maintain those aspects of a quality life.

Old souls are often deep thinkers and can be quite introspective. They also tend to be more compassionate and empathetic than others.

An old soul often feels like they don’t quite fit in with their fellow humans and find themselves drawn to people and things from bygone eras.

Today, we live in a dysfunctional world of duality that caters to young naive souls. We’re taught that success means material riches, status, and the approval of others. If you are not interested in any of these, you are called “unambitious” or even a “strange one.” But chances are you’re just an old soul.

Remember, the path of an old soul is one of continuous growth, wisdom, and love. And such a journey transcends time itself.

So, are you wondering if you’re an old soul? Here are eight signs that may indicate you are.

But, before reading about the signs, I encourage you to read my series of articles regarding:

By reading these stories, you will better understand why an old soul keeps reincarnating into this 3D reality illusion.

OK, if you’re all set to proceed, let’s begin with…

1. You have a love for wisdom and knowledge

Old souls have an insatiable hunger for wisdom and knowledge — and they know where to find it. From ancient texts to exploring different cultures, old souls seek profound truths that broaden their comprehension of the cosmos.

Old souls are wise beyond their chronological years, and they have a deep understanding of the world and the people in it. Wisdom and insight are two of their biggest strengths.

2. You are spiritual and drawn to the mysteries of the unknown

For an old soul, it’s the pursuit of knowledge that lies beyond the reach of today’s science and religious dogmas. Old souls are fascinated by life’s mysteries and are not afraid to explore them. They realize there is so much regarding the eternal and endless cosmos that we don’t yet grasp.

Old souls are often drawn to spirituality because it helps them reconnect with the universal consciousness that is larger than themselves. And it gives them a sense of awe and wonder often lacking in our fast-paced, materialistic world.

3. You seek wisdom and knowledge from the past

While others may be racing to keep up with the latest trends or news, old souls find themselves drawn to the wisdom of the past.

Old souls are naturally drawn to historical traditions, philosophies, and spiritual practices that have withstood the test of time — finding peace and guidance within their enduring teachings.

This isn’t about being stuck in the past. It’s about recognizing that the past has valuable lessons to teach us. Old souls understand that new doesn’t always mean better — and great wisdom can be found in the experiences and thoughts of those who came before us.

4. You sometimes feel nostalgic and yearn for a bygone time

Nostalgia is a familiar sensation for an old soul. It’s a sense of belongingness to a bygone time.

For an old soul, such feelings can come to the forefront of their current awareness. It’s ‘soul-memory,’ so to speak. And, as part of this, old souls may feel a strange sense of detachment from the present era — as if the technology and pace of our modern world don’t feel entirely aligned with them.

5. You enjoy traveling and exploring different places and cultures

Old souls frequently visit new places and engage with different cultures to gain new perspectives. By traveling, old souls find opportunities for personal growth and enriching experiences that facilitate their awakening.

Old souls will also, and often, feel a sense of nostalgia when they travel. They may experience feelings of ‘I’ve been here before,” or “I lived a life here,” or “I died here in battle,” or “I was that famous person.” The feeling of familiarity that comes over an old soul when traveling, especially to distant places and cultures, can be profound and life changing.

6. You truly enjoy being alone

An old soul often displays the ‘Lone Wolf’ personality trait of acting independently and spending time alone instead of within a group. The term originates from wolf behavior. Normally a pack animal, a wolf that has left or been excluded from its pack, is described as a lone wolf.

Old souls come to be at peace in the company of mostly themselves — and they spend much less time with people whose company they don’t enjoy. Old souls often find it’s better to walk alone than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.

Old souls feel intimately connected to everything in the cosmos. For example, when walking alone in Nature, it’s sometimes difficult for an old soul to tell where their body ends, and Nature begins.

There’s just something about being alone that old souls find irresistible. It’s a chance to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the outside world and reconnect with themselves.

For an old soul, aloneness is an opportunity to reflect on their life, their choices, and their relationships. It’s a time to recharge their batteries so as to face the world with a fresh perspective.

Click here for my series of articles on Medium regarding the Art of Solo.

7. You are a minimalist

You might be an old soul if you’re not interested in material possessions or status symbols. You don’t care about labels or trends. You are content with a minimalist lifestyle and are not concerned with what others think of you.

You have discovered the difference between ‘need’ and ‘want.’

Old souls don’t chase material possessions or hunger after instant gratification. Instead, they find joy and nourishment in nature, meaningful relationships, and the beauty of each generous present moment.

Old souls understand that material possessions won’t necessarily make them happy. Unless it helps them achieve their dreams or personal calling, material possessions don’t matter much. What old souls seek are experiences, knowledge and just ‘being.’

Click here for my articles on Medium regarding ‘Being.’

8. You are authentic and genuine

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” ― Carl Jung

Old souls tend to be authentic. They don’t need other people’s approval. They are who they are. They feel comfortable in their own skin and don’t try to be someone they’re not. They are more focused on being true to themselves.

An old soul will question the status quo — and have no qualms about being ‘unaccepted’ by the matting crowd. Rather than live a life where they spend their waking hours trying to fit into a box, they instead think outside the box and live a life that’s authentic and genuine.

An old soul can quickly tell when someone is being fake. And they can’t stand it when people are merely pretending. An old soul understands that people like to fit in and be liked. So, of course, pretenders will try to be someone they’re not, be nicer than they are, and pretend to be interested in things they’re not.

That’s why an old soul always seeks and cherishes people willing to show their authentic selves. If you’re conversing with an old soul, they don’t ‘pretend’ to be curious about you. And if they ask you questions, it means their interest in you is genuine.

Next up — Some more signs you are an old soul — stay tuned.



Stephen Geist
Thirty over Fifty

Author of six self-published books spanning a variety of topics including spirituality, politics, finance, nature, anomalies, the cosmos, and so much more.