Guidelines for a Less Stressful Life in 2024

Hard-learned recommendations from a formerly stressed-out writer on sabbatical

Diane Hatz
Thirty over Fifty


A middle-aged woman smelling apple blossoms outside in sunlight and a field
Photo by bodrumsurf from Getty Images for Canva Pro

Recently, I realized that my sabbatical, where I’m supposed to be recharging and reinventing myself, was stressing me out. I republished a novel and spent eighteen months mastering the ins and outs of indie publishing and marketing (which should qualify me for a PhD at this point….)

A second and third book in the series are currently underway. I’m also developing an idea for a big event, trying to adapt to a new environment and culture in New Mexico, and figuring out next steps in life. I attempted to publish regularly on my blog, Substack, and on Medium, as well as consistently post on social media. Oh, and distribute newsletters on LinkedIn.

And, of course, as a writer, you need to read books, find and connect with like-minded authors, and constantly market yourself and develop your own brand. And have an active social life.

I was so overwhelmed that I was dizzy. I realized I can’t do everything at once, so I had to decide: what comes first, my sanity and health or making a name for myself?

These will evolve as I evolve, but, as of now, I put together some guidelines to help nudge me toward a new life chapter. They include:



Diane Hatz
Thirty over Fifty

Author. Organizer. Inner activist. Looking for answers one pen stroke, meditation, and road trip at a time. Rock Gods & Messy Monsters out now.