How the Appearance of Poverty Gave Me a Profound Insight Into Kindness

Reflections on the days when I picked my children up from school on a bicycle

Walter Rhein
Thirty over Fifty
Published in
7 min readMay 29, 2024


Image by Walter Rhein

Before my alarm even went off, my little one would wander into the kitchen and begin to prepare snacks for the ride. Her internal clock told her we’d be picking up her sister soon, and she liked to come prepared.

I love the rustling sound of toddlers engaged in an important mission. From the other room, I heard the refrigerator door swing open. She’d be on her tiptoes trying to pull the gallon of milk down from the top shelf, so I knew I better get in there fast.

Upon my arrival, she’d look up and smile and point and say, “Yogurt!”

So, I’d get her the yogurt and the spoons from the drawer so she wouldn’t have to climb up there either. Meanwhile, she’d be stuffing goldfish and chocolate bars into a cooler.

Later, when the two of them were buckled into the kid carrier behind my bicycle, Avril would produce her treasure and say, “Do you want some snacks?”

As I pedaled, I’d hear the sound of crackling wrappers and munching. Sienna would tell Avril about her day, and they chatted away like two old souls. Sometimes I’d take the long way home just so I could listen to them talk a…



Walter Rhein
Thirty over Fifty

I have 10+ years experience as a certified English and Physics teacher. 20+ years of experience as an editor, journalist, blogger and novelist.