How to be Sweet (or it’s okay to be sweet)

Grace Mary Power
Thirty over Fifty
Published in
4 min readJan 28, 2019


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Are you:

  • Angel-like
  • Angelic
  • Child-like yet mature
  • Always Good-natured (nearly always, close to Saintly anyhow)
  • Always Thoughtful (nearly always, close to Saintly anyhow)
  • Close to Saintly
  • Supportive of everyone but with clear boundaries

If you are any of the above, chances are that YOU are sweet. Sweetness may be in the “eye of the beholder” as is anything, but to me, being sweet means that you have a cheerful, understanding, patient, tolerant and kind and creative personality. People say that I am sweet.

The nicest compliment that anyone has ever said to me personally, is:

“You’re a beautiful lady that wherever you tread, flowers spring up”

My close friends like to say to me that I am “sweet” and I used to think that being sweet might mean that I am a “push-over” or naive or gullible, but gradually I have come to think that “sweetness” is a character trait made up of Kindess, Creativity and Positivity, and



Grace Mary Power
Thirty over Fifty

Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.