Live Now and then Live Again in the Here After

There is no standard or required path for your Soul after your body dies in this 3D reality. Every Soul has the potential to create something new and unique.

Stephen Geist
Thirty over Fifty


Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Only one life, and that’s it?

For many people, ‘one life and that’s it’ seems to make a lot of sense because the subject of death is currently beyond the scope of mainstream scientific study. As such, many of us feel that we have no other option but to completely trust what we’ve been told about ‘afterlife’ by our influencers in religion and science.

But what if there is ample evidence about what happens after our physical form dies in this 3D reality? What if both the actual science and the truth at the heart of the spiritual teachings tell us the same thing?

It’s not about doubting the source if you are a devout believer (whether in religion, specific spiritual paths, or science). Instead, it’s about what we’ve been told about ‘life after death’ by the leaders who establish the dogmas of science and religion — and dictate our beliefs for their own selfish agendas.

Accepting death as a part of life

Death is not the opposite of life. It is part of life that overarches everything. It seems that whatever is born must die — yet it is only a transition to another kind of life according to the ‘infinite and eternal’ cosmic blueprint.

Coming to terms with dying is so personal that it transcends the dogma of science and religion. Each person must consider the issue of death on their own terms. But in doing so, dying should be considered as dynamic as living.

Fear of death is bad for your body — not because death looms so darkly but because fear of any kind is toxic to the body.

Aging and death happen to the body and the ego (click here for my articles about the human ego). The Soul and Spirit are eternal. Therefore, the person with the strongest sense of spirit self — who has deeply investigated the fundamental question of “Who am I?” — will likely have the most calmness as death looms.

Death and dissolution of the physical form

Each person’s life — in fact, each life form — represents a unique way the ‘Creator’ experiences itself. And when your physical form dies, your life comes to an end in this 3D reality illusion. But it was just one of the countless realities in which your Soul and Spirit participate.

When the ego is no longer involved in the movement toward the end of a person’s life, the approach of death becomes what it is meant to be: an opening into the realm of Spirit.

The weakening or dissolution of physical form — whether through old age, illness, disability, or personal tragedy — carries the potential for spiritual awakening and ascension.

The spiritual dimension stands ready to reveal itself in a person’s life. That is to say, a person’s inner purpose reveals itself as their outer form collapses along with the ego.

In the death experience, the Soul ceases to animate the physical body and exits through the crown chakra. It journeys the astral cord through the ethers and onto its next stage of development. That can be in another dimension, another density of energy vibration, or another incarnation in this 3D reality.

Mainstream science and reincarnation

Parapsychology is the scientific and scholarly study of three kinds of unusual events (ESP, mind-matter interaction, and survival after bodily death).

Today, in our so-called enlightened world, parapsychology remains a stigmatized niche within academia, where it is not viewed as a very respectable field. As a result, parapsychology research rarely appears in mainstream science journals.

Most papers about parapsychology are published in a small number of niche journals. It’s one of the reasons many parapsychologists keep one foot in mainstream psychiatry or psychology while pursuing their parapsychological research.

Meanwhile, all over the world, scholars studying reincarnation are making findings that even skeptics have difficulty explaining. And, interestingly, a 2018 Pew Research Center poll found that 33% of adults in the U.S. believe in reincarnation.

Opening your mind to the evidence of reincarnation

Regardless of what you were taught when you were young and irrespective of your current skeptical beliefs, there is a mountain of scientific evidence pointing to the legitimacy of reincarnation.

Thousands of reports of reincarnation have been investigated from every culture and religious upbringing. And researchers have scientifically verified reincarnation claims down to the last specific detail.

Interestingly, much of the verifiable proof regarding reincarnation comes from children — the most innocent beings of all of us — who would have no ulterior motives or agendas for making up such claims.

Wisdom is the key to understanding reincarnation

Many religions attempt to manipulate your understanding of the ‘afterlife.’ In some religions, humans are even conditioned to believe they will burn for all eternity after death.

It’s important to understand that the ‘afterlife’ is not about meeting demons in a fiery hell or angels in a cloudy heaven. ‘Afterlife’ is part of the process of Spirit detaching from physicality.

Sometimes you may choose to reincarnate back into this 3D physical reality. Other times, you may reincarnate in a parallel world or another reality or return to your Higher Spirit in the sixth density (click here for my series of articles regarding the ALL of Existence).

Or sometimes, you may return to total Oneness. There is no standard or required path for your Soul and Spirit after your body’s death in this 3D reality. Every Soul has the potential to create something new and unique.

The more you understand the astral plane and the spirit realms, the less frightened or disoriented you’ll be when it’s time to separate from your physical body.

New evidence of life after death

Most of us struggle to survive on Earth and don’t have time to think about what comes next after death. But, as it happens, there is much information about this subject — and some evidence in the field is notable. What may lie beyond the veil of physical death is being gradually revealed thanks to new technologies.

Here are four types of experience that seem to shed light on the great mystery of death:

Near-death experiences (NDEs)

The best known are NDEs which are perhaps the most intriguing. In cases of ‘near-death’ caused by cardiac arrest, blood is immediately cut off from the brain. So, according to mainstream science, there should not be any consciousness and no ‘experience.’ But not only do people still have experiences, they have the most vivid and transformative experiences.

Not many people have a brush with death and live to tell the tale. But some of those who have inched close to the void and come back do so with eerily similar stories — including dark tunnels with bright lights, spiritual sensations, and conversation with the dead.

Interestingly, people who report NDEs seem to find it a pleasant experience — even if it was highly intense. Most who have experienced NDEs have felt like they had an out-of-body experience.

Death-bed visions

In death-bed visions, some people about to die speak of seeing apparitions of deceased people with lofty moods. Therefore, these people about to die become convinced by their vision that there is a world beyond. My mother had such a vision of her late husband (my father) before passing on herself.

Terminal lucidity

Terminal lucidity refers to people who have Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, or other brain diseases but who — days, hours, or moments before death — suddenly recognize their loved ones before passing away.

It seems as if the Soul — in detaching from the diseased brain — can somehow reveal its presence before passing into the next world. Explaining this phenomenon is a real challenge for mainstream science.

Group NDEs

Countless times in the history of the world, people have been forced to witness the death of their loved ones. But how often do you hear stories of someone who claims to join the person making the death transition? This fourth new phenomenon is being reported more often today.

An example of such a phenomenon was the case of a car accident where one person was killed instantly, and the second person survived and lingered in a hospital bed before dying several days later as family members surrounded him.

In this case, one of the family members witnessed the person — who had died instantly in the car accident — cross from the non-physical realm back into the physical to scoop the soul out of the body of the second who died in the hospital.

Even more strange, both souls then included the observant family member in a loving embrace. And together, the three then went to the light.

The family member described his experience as being carried to a dimension he never knew existed. It was unfolding in the ‘next’ world even while simultaneously he was fully aware of himself with his co-mourners standing beside him in the hospital.

This family member experienced bilocation: two fully conscious vantage points — one next to his co-mourners and a second vantage point somewhere in another dimension embraced by both deceased individuals.

This case tells us that our minds are connected to universal consciousness and non-physical realms. It seems our Higher Spirits inhabit many simultaneous realities — not just physical space or time.

Final Thought

We are ‘separate’ life forms in this 3D reality but also united in universal mind and Spirit. And this great oneness is mostly hidden below the surface of our everyday awareness until our death experience.



Stephen Geist
Thirty over Fifty

Author of six self-published books spanning a variety of topics including spirituality, politics, finance, nature, anomalies, the cosmos, and so much more.