My Friend’s Husband Hated Me, but I Didn’t Remember Meeting Him

He nursed a grudge against me for years

Christine Schoenwald
Thirty over Fifty


Hipster girl dressed in a black sweater holding a flower.
Photo by Farhad Irani:

I’d love to tell you that when I was in my early twenties, I took advantage of my youth and attractiveness, dated constantly, and lived life to the fullest.

I want to tell you that, but that wasn’t the case. When I first started my Theatre Arts studies at university, I was shy and insecure, especially with guys.

If someone was interested in me, they needed to be overt—so obvious that there was no mistake they liked me. If not, I assumed they wanted to be friends, which was great. I was more than comfortable with that; I preferred it.

After a less-than-wonderful experience with a womanizer early on in my college career, I was extra cautious when it came to men. I wasn’t great at flirting and did none of the girly things one did back then.

I may have been cute, but I wasn’t someone who toyed with men’s emotions for sport or treated people poorly.

At least, that’s not how I remember it.

But sometimes, you can get so caught up in your own issues that you have no idea how your behavior or attitude affects someone else, such as when someone mistakes shy for snotty or cold.



Christine Schoenwald
Thirty over Fifty

Writer for The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Next Avenue, Business Insider, and Your Tango