One Step At A Time

Tom Kane
Thirty over Fifty
Published in
Feb 6, 2024


Hiking trail, artistic impression.
Image by Author http://tinyurl.com/bp5xxb9f

The path stretches before you,
rocks jutting, cliffs looming.
Each step takes you further
into unfamiliar terrain.
Your muscles ache, doubt clouds your mind.
It would be easier to turn back.

But beyond the next ridge,
undiscovered vistas await.
If you push yourself further,
who might you become?
New strengths brewing
under the surface beckon you onward.

You are not the timid soul
who began this journey.
Though the way remains shrouded,
look how far you’ve come.
What once seemed impossible
is now merely
the next challenge to conquer.

The setting sun casts golden light
on the mountain peaks in the distance.
You make camp for the night,
renewed courage rising with the dawn.
Though the path is long,
you will get there.

One step at a time.



Tom Kane
Thirty over Fifty

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium