Ruby Stone Nail Care Set and Amethyst

Grace Mary Power
Thirty over Fifty
Published in
4 min readJul 11, 2019


Long nails,amethyst ring
The hand that belongs to Celine Lai — photo provided by the Author

I have small hands with long slim fingers (some say this configuration shows that I am creative) and I love amethyst and to wear statement rings!

I have a number of large rings which I usually wear on my index finger because rings are too large usually for any other finger! These include a topaz ring and the ring above, composed of a HUGE amethyst and diamonds. 😃

This beauty was gifted to me by my sister, after around 20 years ago I saw it on eBay for a few hundred dollars and said that I loved it, but couldn’t afford it. How BLESSED 👼am I to have such a generous and kind sister!! Woohoo.

I am of Chinese descent (though I know not what that really means, as I came to Australia as a baby and was raised by an English-Australian family, separated from my birth family, race, culture and country of birth, Malaysia) and one thing for sure is that my hair and nails are very STRONG.

My friends tell me that I am very lucky that my long nails don’t break, and people, friends and strangers, will ask me if I do the dishes or gardening; thinking that I mustn't if my nails are like they are!

I was in hospital in January this year and one of the nurses gave a gasp and said “Look how long your nails are” and they weren’t even painted then!



Grace Mary Power
Thirty over Fifty

Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.