The Knee Pain Was a Relief in Disguise

Sometimes, pushing through pain instead of avoiding it can lead to self-healing

Jim Farina
Thirty over Fifty


Photo by Dave Contreras on Unsplash

"I'm ordering an imaging scan over at the hospital," The doctor told me as he squeezed my upper calf and worked his way down toward my ankle.

"Is there any pain?" he asked again. I told him it was a little tender, but I wouldn't call it pain. "Well, we need to be sure. If it is a blood clot, it could travel to your lung and become more serious."

The day before I made the doctor's appointment, I was taking a shower and noticed that my left leg and foot were swollen. It was not a slight swelling, but the difference was apparent.

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Something had been going on with that left leg for several months. It involved my knee joint. I attributed it to age. I'm in great shape for 66, but stuff starts to happen with age, particularly with joint stiffness and range of motion. I figured it was part of the package as a senior.

The joint ache in my left knee was just annoying. It was a slight ache and only became a sharp pain when I did squats, lunges, or bent my calf towards my hamstring.

