The Surprising Beauty of Wilting Flowers

“Past Prime” — A Photo Collection

Felipe Leon U.
Thirty over Fifty


Photo by Author — Past Prime

I stopped writing two decades ago. Period.

This cold, hard fact has bothered me recently.

I am enjoying discovering my writing from the 1990s and early 2000s, but if I enjoyed this avenue of expression, why did it suddenly stop? I feel that when a person writes profusely it is because they need to write; something needs to be expressed.

So what ‘need’ was left unsatisfied by my not writing?

Was I ‘less’ because I stopped writing?

Then I realized my flow of expression had changed. Photography became my words. The worlds that I created, by playing with depth of field and utilizing macro photography techniques, became my poems.

Every photograph was/is a statement.

Photo by Author — Past Prime, Ballerina

“Past Prime” is a series of photographs that I created when I was in my forties. I realized I was getting older and still saw the beauty and worth in myself and the people around me. At the present moment, it seems absolutely ridiculous to imagine that I had this kind of dismissive thought.



Felipe Leon U.
Thirty over Fifty

This bio belongs to two people. My younger self, who wrote poems before the founders of Medium were born, and my present self, who has begun writing again.