Why I’m Happy to Be Sixty and Not Counting

The passage of time lets you grow

Grace Mary Power
Thirty over Fifty


Grace Mary Power, May 2024. Photo provided by the author.

When you’re happy with your life, you’re healthier and more productive. And happiness comes from having our needs met, looking after yourself and your loved ones, choosing to focus on the positives in things, and having a purpose in life.

In September 2023 I turned sixty. Before I reached this milestone I didn’t have time to worry over turning sixty. In fact, my upcoming birthday reflecting six decades was something for me to look forward to. I had made it to age sixty!

A month before my 60th birthday I felt a sudden twinge of shock at the thought of myself about to turn sixty. But it was short-lived because I realized that I was responding to the stereotyped perspective of 60 being old.

When I was a teenager I couldn’t wait to be thirty-five. There were many people in my life at that time. And I viewed those aged between 30 to 35 as being happy and successful. I looked up to them. Back then turning fifty was a far-away prospect and I thought that at 50 I would be old. When you are 17 years old, more than twice that age seems ancient, but it turns out that it isn’t.

Now that I have gone past fifty and am sixty, I can pat myself on the back for a life well lived. I have made it through three major health events…



Grace Mary Power
Thirty over Fifty

Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.