You Are Over 65? Re-Tire. Put The Tires Back On

“Best-before-date” in the working world has expired

Claudia Brose
Thirty over Fifty


Photo by John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash

When I had a conversation with the owner of a medium-sized company about his workforce and people in “retirement”-age, I was positively surprised about his attitude.

He told me about an employee who started working at age 15, came at some point to my conversation partner’s company, and stayed there until the point when he was supposed to retire at the end of 50. He worked almost 45 years, and the rule says to retire after that.

Fast-forward 15 years and he is still working at the company.

Just because he feels like doing it and because he is good at what he does. The owner considers him as a valuable asset to the company as he has accumulated an enormous knowledge over decades that would be a shame to lose.

Rigid Rules Versus Useful Skills

Do we stop working at a certain age due to regulations and laws, which have not yet been adapted to the 21st century, which mandates that we “retire” and “have to quit” when we reach a predetermined age threshold, regardless of our or the workplaces feelings regarding it?

Life expectancies have increased, and we have a better health system. Young people start their…



Claudia Brose
Thirty over Fifty

Writer, Event-Creator, Marketing Professional turned Rebel against a rushed world | Japan mad | Cyclist | Get my Newsletter Un-Rush