The Efficiency Series — Keeping on Top of Your Inbox

Garry Lee
Thirty Three Percent
6 min readMar 19, 2021


A messy inbox is the first sign of inefficiency

Why is it important to keep a well-ordered inbox? As part of an experiment to help my business partner more efficient, I picked working on his inbox as the number one thing and in fact, it’s very often the first thing I use to address with anyone that worked for me. But why?

Despite the advent of other communication & collaboration tools like Slack, WhatsApp or Trello, email remains the number one way that people communicate within an organisation, with customers and also suppliers. This means one thing above all else

“It’s the place where the most mistakes are made…”

And that is why it’s always the place I start when looking to help someone get more organised. Are you the person that needs to improve? Let’s see if you answer yes to any of the following

Signs you need to sort your inbox

  1. You’ve had to ask someone to resend an email because you cannot find it
  2. You have missed an invite to a meeting that was sent to you
  3. You cannot find a file that was sent to you by email
  4. Your unread email inbox is above 10 at the end of a day



Garry Lee
Thirty Three Percent

Marketing geek, founder, owner, mentor, mentee, coach and open for a brew and a chat.