How I Landed an IT Job in Australia While Still Studying

Sameer Gurung
This Abroad Life
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2023
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Hello everyone. This is Sameer, and welcome to “This Abroad Life”. Today, I want to share with you my journey of how I landed a professional IT job in Australia while still studying. I hope my story will inspire and motivate you to pursue your dreams as well. Landing a job in your field of study while still in college or university as a student studying abroad may seem challenging, but it’s definitely not impossible. So, let’s dive into the details!

Previous Experience Counts

Before coming to Australia, I had an experience of 1.5 years in IT in Nepal working for an IT company, which gave me a solid foundation of experience in the field. Before this, I had actively participated in college projects, not just to get good grades, but to genuinely contribute and learn. This experience in college projects helped me gain and enhance my skills and knowledge.

Research Your Options

While planning to study abroad, it’s crucial to thoroughly research which courses and universities align with your career goals. Don’t solely rely on the recommendations of consultants; take ownership and explore various options yourself. After conducting my research, I selected a course in Australia that offered an internship opportunity related to my field of study.

Internship Opportunities

I decided to seize the internship opportunity provided by my course during my studies in Australia. However, I didn’t just accept any random offer that came my way. I carefully evaluated each opportunity and chose a company that piqued my interest. By aligning my internship with my passion, I maximized the learning experience.

Show Enthusiasm and Dedication

During my internship, I maintained an enthusiastic attitude and showcased my willingness to learn and contribute. Despite having to travel 1.5 hours for the internship and not receiving any monetary compensation, I didn’t give up. It’s essential to demonstrate your dedication, as employers appreciate individuals who show initiative and passion.

Build Relationships

Developing good relationships with your colleagues and superiors is crucial. Show your willingness to collaborate and be a team player. Your likability and communication skills are just as important as your technical expertise. Establishing positive connections fosters a conducive work environment and increases the chances of being considered for future employment opportunities.

The Importance of Experience

After completing my internship successfully, my company offered me a part-time job while I was still studying. Although it may be challenging to manage both work and studies, gaining professional experience in your field outweighs the initial struggle. The skills acquired and the exposure to real-world scenarios are invaluable.

Seize Full-Time Opportunities

Upon graduating, my dedication and performance during the internship paid off — my company offered me a full-time job, which I gladly accepted. By seizing the full-time opportunity, I gained even more experience and solidified my position in the industry. Continuously developing your skills and proving yourself as an asset to the company enhances your prospects for long-term professional growth.

Embrace the Challenges

While studying and doing internship with 1.5 hrs of journey may not yield immediate financial rewards, it’s important to remember that experience and skill-building are the focus during this phase of your journey. Being willing to take risks and step out of your comfort zone is essential when pursuing your goals abroad. The initial challenges are temporary, and the long-term benefits are well worth the effort.

Support from Family

Family’s support always plays a huge role in the success of any major milestones in our life. Due to taking part in internship, limited working hours and study going side by side, I couldn’t earn much. This is not easy financially. My wife worked full-time, but was not sufficient for the huge college fees we had to pay for my Master’s study in the University of Wollongong. First of all, I had a huge support from my wife. Side by side, we also had a great support from my family and same from my wife’s side. They were able to support us financially during the early years when we could not collect enough money by woking in Australia while studying.


So, that’s how I landed my IT job in Australia while still studying. By leveraging my previous experience, being proactive in my career choices, showing enthusiasm, and building strong relationships, I was able to secure a position in my desired field. It’s important to remember that while the path may not be easy, persistence and dedication will lead you to success. If you’re studying or planning to study abroad, strive to gain relevant experience and ensure you’re on the right track for your future career goals. Good luck on your journey! Thank you for reading, and I’ll catch you in the next blog post!

References: “This Abroad Life” Podcast. Episode: “How I landed an IT job in Australia while still studying.”



Sameer Gurung
This Abroad Life

A Software Engineer, who also turns to be a JavaScript enthusiast. Currently working with NodeJs, Angular, Ionic and AWS. Catch me: