My Life

Barbara MacFarlane
Woman entreprenuer
Published in
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2 min readAug 9, 2020

I devote much of my time to, SB Sentient Beauty LLC my entrepreneurial creation of hope, creativity, tenacity, expertise, and potential. I love the word potential. There are no limits. My mosaic life continues with every day of self-realization. It happens whether I try or not. Self-realization can be passive or active. By just being, we realize who we are by just letting what is happening around us impact us. It’s been a strange Spring and Summer, and now Fall is upon us. Creating and managing my shop has been my refuge during this time of the pandemic with all the news and reality that it brings. Self-care is essential during the best of times, but especially during the worst. Sentient Beauty Fashions offers an outlook that encourages taking care of yourself so that you can also be there for those you love. Every day I was greeted by several pairs of loving eyes anticipating my every move. Being an animal lover I am the mom of these precious creatures as well as my teenaged daughter. They are my constant inspiration and because of this, I want to be an inspiration to them by being the best I can be.

SB Sentient Beauty LLC is a place where I hope people will be reminded that they can inspire themselves and others with everything they do. Showing respect for yourself is the best place to start.

Kindness toward our planet and the animals who inhabit them to me is inspiring.

Here’s a preview:

I wish you a life that is bright with possibility. Take a look as one bright spot in mine.



Barbara MacFarlane
Woman entreprenuer

My education is in Liberal Arts/Dance/Writing having studied with Joy Harjo and Lee Connor writer and dancer respectively. But, my greatest honor is motherhood.