The Heat Of Summer Days

Barbara MacFarlane
Woman entreprenuer
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1 min readJun 28, 2020

Summer has set in and the sun sets on each of us in different ways. How your days begin and resolve depends on many factors, most of which I hope you have control over, or at least the way in which you react to them. I’m working on choosing the most beneficial way to react to colossal shifts in my world's tectonic plates so as to keep them as aligned as possible to maintain my footing. This newsletter will serve to offer solutions, suggestions, remedies, and words of encouragement to help in that challenge so that we all come out on the other side better, whole, healthy, and well.

Photo by Chris Neumann on Unsplash



Barbara MacFarlane
Woman entreprenuer

My education is in Liberal Arts/Dance/Writing having studied with Joy Harjo and Lee Connor writer and dancer respectively. But, my greatest honor is motherhood.