When I go…

Saira Elizabetti
This Brain of Mine
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2017

I want to hear little feet pattering on the floor,

I want to remember colouring together while lunch is in the oven,

Day trips to the zoo, to pick berries, and visit museums,

Endless days spent at the arena and outdoor fields watching with a grin on my face,

Playing tag and in the sandbox at the parks nearby,

Completing large puzzles and afternoon snuggly naps,

Painting the beauty of the world together, and making a big mess,

Watching television shows and listening to the radio,

Feeding the chickens and chasing the dogs around the yard,

Reading the newspaper and books outside in the sunshine,

Joining elderly clubs with friends and going out to lunch, just because,

Playing bingo, swimming, and walking with people I care about,

Riding bicycles in the spring down the dirt road, taking in life’s beauty,

Cooking meals for my family and sharing silly stories at the dinner table laughing with glee,

Helping others in need and sharing joy in our accomplishments,

Gardening, sewing, knitting,

Long summer nights without a worry in the world,

Sleepovers with the grandkids and breaking the rules,

Spending nights cuddling and talking with the love of my life,

Dying young and painlessly,

Having all the reasons to smile on the world.

(Here i sit, I don’t have children, I’m not even expecting, I hardly even have a job, but what I want more than anything in this life, is to be a loving grandmother)



Saira Elizabetti
This Brain of Mine

A small town Canadian girl with endless thoughts and hopeless dreams.