A Christmas Prayer For Peace

Cleo Angelidis


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A Christmas Prayer for Peace

Dear Lord, on this Christmas Day, we come to You with hearts full of hope and gratitude. The birth of Jesus brought joy, love, and peace to the world. On this day we ask that the memory of his birth restore peace throughout the lands.

Help those who disagree to find common ground. Help those who are fighting to see eye to eye and find their shared humanity. May the joy of Christmas melt away their suffering and conflict.

Lord, please watch over all women and children, the elderly and infirm and all who are vulnerable. Please keep them safe from harm today and always.

Fill our hearts with love, understanding, and a desire to come together. Let the happiness of today spread far and wide, turning disagreements into understanding and sadness into comfort.

May Your message of love and peace be felt everywhere, not just today, but every day. Amen.
~ Cleo Angelidis (www.homemade-gifts-made-easy.com/)

