A Prodigal’s Prayer

Ann B. Adams


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Oh, heavenly Father,

My life is a mess! I plead with You to help me. I feel like I’m sinking into a black abyss. Please don’t dismiss me!

It isn’t happiness I’m searching for, no, I’m missing Your counsel.

Lord, forgive this rebellious child. My behavior has been terrible and the path I’ve trodden has been wild with defiance.

My allegiance to the world has filled me with Your silence.

I feel so alone!

I’m reaping what I’ve sown and I fear that I’m lost forever separated from You. Oh, my groaning soul! Without You, my life has become like tears in the rain.

Tears in the rain!

All my earthly gains are for nothing and hold no eternal value. They’ve left me in pain and utter loneliness!

Oh, Lord, I beg for forgiveness. Please accept my repentance and pull me back into Your loving Presence!

In your Heavenly name I pray these things, a-men.

I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak… — Ezekiel 34:16

