13 Things To Think About When Watching 13 Reasons Why

Nick J. Longo
This Catholic Life
Published in
5 min readMay 8, 2017


The new Netflix Original Series, “13 Reasons Why”, is a series based on the novel written by author, Jay Asher. The series follows the perspective of Clay, a high school teen who knew the stories “narrator”, Hannah Baker, who has committed suicide and has left behind recorded audio tapes of herself and the 13 reasons why she decided to end her life.

The show is particularly graphic and also does not give any hope to the viewer. I really think that this is a terrible shame since so many young teens will for sure be watching this show and already have, and I am sure that many of them struggle with depression and suicide regularly. The show has the potential to really harm some young and impressionable minds who might be struggling with these issues because of the way the series went about portraying some of the themes — leaving viewers with a lot of graphic and unsettling scenes and a lot of hopelessness.

Here are some things I think that everyone should think about before and when you watch 13 Reasons Why, if you decide to do so:

1. Don’t romanticize the idea of suicide.

Depression and suicidal thoughts are serious, and anyone struggling with them should get help. If you need help now, please call this number for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1–800–273–8255

2. Don’t believe that life is something that is disposable.

Life matters, and our culture often tries to portray human life in general as something that can just be used as long as it is useful. This is so far from the truth. Human life matters, if you exist, you have a purpose and you matter.

3. Get help if you are struggling with depression or suicide.

Another great organization to look into for help with depression or suicide is To Write Love on Her Arms (TWLOHA). They have resources to help you find help and support near you, and they always put out amazing encouraging content online to help you on your journey in life.

4. Life is precious and so valuable.

Every breath we take is another moment that God was thinking about us and how he loves us so much to give us another moment and another day to live this life.

5. You matter.

You are so unique and have unique gifts and talents in life that nobody else has. You’re mission in life needs to be completed and it can only be completed by you! Pray and find out what mission God is calling you too — what is your heart’s greatest desire that you feel God present in — go do that! And know that no matter what happens or what you do — you matter simply because you are here and you are alive. Thank God for you!

6. Things will get better if you’re getting bullied.

Bullying is an awful struggle that many of us face through out life. It can make you feel isolated and alone in this world. Know that things will get better if you’re being bullied. Reach out to someone — a parent, school teacher, sibling, a friend — and ask for help if you’re being bullied, people who love you want to meet you where you’re at and support you and be there for you to lift you out of your darkness.

7. Be an up-stander.

Standing up for somebody who might be struggling with bullying, depression or suicidal thoughts is an amazing thing you can do. Give someone a smile or say hi to someone in the halls. If you see someone being bullied, stand up for them. If you know someone is struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts — get them help and be there for them to help support them.

8. Look to community for encouragement during struggles.

Community is a powerful thing. For me personally, my family, youth ministries, and friends have gotten me through my darkest times. I want to encourage you especially to go to your church and ask about the youth ministry (or if you’re an adult they have ministries for you too and they are just as awesome), and ask how you can get involved.

9. Recognizing that you’re not alone.

Everyone in life is struggling, so know that you aren’t alone. A mentor of mine once told me not to compare my crappy “behind-the-scenes” life to everyone else’s “highlight-reel” life. Everyone has there own “behind-the-scenes”, you are not alone.

10. Know that God is with you.

God is chasing after you, and He is present and there with you in your struggles, even if you aren’t feeling Him or seeing Him. Continuously open up your heart to Him and say, “Lord, thy will be done” — Giving you’re life over to God through your struggles can help you lift yourself up. Christ became human and died for you and me and the whole world, and He rose from the dead and conquered all that. God is with you, and their is redemption and a journey to joy through our struggles in life.

11. If you’re a parent, listen to your kids and hear where they are at.

Parents be a friend to your kids. Meet them where they are at and listen to their hearts. Just keep communicating and don’t let your kids isolate from you. You are their biggest fans and greatest encouragers — even if they brush you off and act like they don’t like you at times — know that your presence in their life matters and you’re love and encouragement means the world.

12. Hope is Real.

This is true — especially when we are not afraid to share our struggles with one another. When we share our struggles we know that we aren’t alone and hope becomes a reality.

Here is a video I made years ago about the reality of hope for an anti-bullying organization I ran for 6 years in the past called Stop the Hate Spread the Hope. I hope it helps you and encourages you.

13. Spread Hope Today!

If you go and decide to watch “13 Reasons Why” I hope that this post can help you or be of encouragement to you. You’re amazing and know that you matter.


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Nick J. Longo
This Catholic Life

Writing about Catholicism, Prayer, Faith, Social Media & Evangelization. Podcast Host of The Nick Longo Show & This Catholic Life — Tweet Me: @nickjameslongo