5 Ways to Spread the Gospel Message Right Now

Nick J. Longo
This Catholic Life
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2017

Christ gives all of us this call,

“Go forth and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19)

Sometimes this call can be intimidated, I mean really, all nations? We must answer this call to “go forth” none the less, and “be not afraid” to act on the gifts and talents God has blessed us with to spread the Gospel message.

And don’t stress out so much about going to “all nations” by yourself because we are all in this together as “one body of Christ” to achieve Christ saving mission of spreading the good news!

Here are 5 ways you can spread the Gospel message right now:

Share your favorite bible verse and why it is important to you right now on social media.

My favorite bible verse 2 Corinthians 12:19, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” I love that verse so much because it lifts me up when I’m at my weakest moments and struggling with my biggest weaknesses. It gives me hope that even through my weaknesses and the hard times of my life that God has a plan for me that will lead me through my pain and suffering to joy and happiness — and he truly always does. Jesus, I trust in you.

Call your parents, grandparents, siblings, or best friends and tell them you love them and why they are important to your life.

Encouragement is so important in this life. To spread the Gospel message in life we all need courage to do so — and having courage starts with encouragement. My mother has always been such a huge encouragement to me. She always tells me that I’m great and that I can do anything in life and I love her for that! She helped make me fearless by that encouragement finally and she’s still like this today. Mom, if you’re reading this, thanks so much — I love you!

Go to your favorite Catholic blog site and share an awesome post you love to your friends on social media.

Try some of these blogs: Dynamic Catholic, Life Teen, Real Life Catholic, or This Catholic Life.

Today, I just read this blog post on Life Teen’s blog, by author Christina Mead, that you should all totally check out here. It was a really quick and great read about building and authentic relationship with the Lord through prayer. Go read it when you have a free five minutes.

Bring a meal for someone in need and bring it to them.

As Catholics, we are called to serve others around us — especially those most in need. Bringing a meal to someone who needs it, whether it is someone who is poor, sick or even just lonely, is a great act of mercy that spreads the love of Christ and gives glory to God. So get out there and serve!

Pray for someone in your life.

Prayer is the most important part of our life. It is also the number one way we can spread the Gospel message of God’s love and saving grace from exactly where you are right now. Pray for someone in your life and ask God to send to them His Holy Spirit and grace and that they might open their hearts to receive Him into their lives.


I hope that this post encouraged you to spread Christ’s love and hope to someone in your life. Be not afraid and go forth with courage to heroically love the world the way the Lord is calling you to do so. You got this!

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Nick J. Longo
This Catholic Life

Writing about Catholicism, Prayer, Faith, Social Media & Evangelization. Podcast Host of The Nick Longo Show & This Catholic Life — Tweet Me: @nickjameslongo