Idea: Featured Tweets

The tweets you want people to see, for a little bit longer.

Joe Turner


I’m going to just get straight into this. I think Twitter should have a new feature that allows users to feature one of their tweets.

A featured tweet would stay at the top of a users profile, like the way a sticky post stays at the top of a forum. It’s important. It means a little more to you than that other tweet…

A user can only have one tweet featured at any time, if you feature another, it simply overwrites the tweet you currently have featured. I think that’s the best way to go about things. It would be really easy for Twitter to implement, from a development point of view.

Imagine the power for businesses? It’s practically a place to put their latest offers, or a piece of important news. I run a twitter account that currently has over 15,000 followers and it would be brilliant to be able to essentially keep one of our tweets alive by featuring it.

Designers? You have just published your latest work online. You tweet about it, generate a little bit of traffic and then things die down. You don’t want to troll people, but people are still landing on your profile on a daily basis, so what do you do?

It’s not something that’s new either, I just think it’s something that Twitter should adopt. You can call it what you like…

Featured Tweet, Spotlight Tweet, Sticky Tweet(Grotesque)… Whatever it’s called, it’s not important. What’s important is the ability to stick a tweet to your profile so that it doesn’t dissapear into the Twitterverse.

What do you think?

I’m on Twitter and I’m always up for talking and potentially connecting with new people. It’s how things should work.



Joe Turner

Designer/Developer. Created for Virgin, Thomas Cook, Thomson Holidays… I now work for me. Zen.