ETH2 Staking Results: 2 Months, +70%

Month-by-month tracking of my ETH2 staking investment

Adam Prescott
This Crypto Life
2 min readApr 19, 2021


Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

I originally staked 1 ETH with Ankr Staker on February 17, 2021, and added the resulting aETH token to an ETH2 liquidity pool at SnowSwap. You see results from my first month here.

Less than 2 months in, though, I saw a tremendous opportunity. The Guarda team tweeted that GETH was trading on Uniswap at a rate of 1.5 GETH per ETH! I promptly pulled my funds out of SnowSwap and traded them, earning me about 1.2 SNOW and 1.47 GETH. So, that’s where the story picks up this month. (For reference, the GETH:ETH rate on Uniswap this morning was 0.98 GETH per ETH — so that turned out to be a really great deal.)


Even though I’ve swapped my original Ankr token to Guarded Ether, I can still track the investment month-to-month. Let’s look at the numbers!

| DATE | ETH (USD) | GETH (qty) | GETH (USD) | Total |
| 02-17-2021 | $1,851.14 | | | $1,851.14 |
| 03-17-2021 | $1,763.94 | | | $1,840.42 |
| 04-19-2021 | $2,214.58 | 1.47 | $2,163.43 | $3,180.24 |
0.47 ETH = $ 1,040.85
1.21 SNOW = $ 50.04
= $ 1,090.89
Rewards = $ 1,090.89
Txn fees (est) = $ 200.00
Total ROI = $ 890.89


In a month that saw ether exceed $2,500 and set a new all-time high, it was pretty incredible to add 50% to my staked funds. I have earned an estimated $890 from 1 ETH in two months, which amounts to a 40% gain. Factoring in the growth of ETH, the investment has grown more than 70% in terms of USD in just two months.

GETH rewards accumulate each month and are paid in GETH, which means I can continue reporting monthly rewards. It’s unclear if I’ll receive rewards at the beginning of May or if I need to hold for a complete cycle. Either way, I’ll report back next month!

