How to Move BNB From BinanceUS to Binance Smart Chain

An easy but unintuitive process

Adam Prescott
This Crypto Life


Photo by Tim Johnson on Unsplash

Okay, so here’s the scenario:

You’re a regular person in the US, and you have a little bit of crypto. You want to get in on some of that sweet defi action that you keep hearing so much about, but the fees on Ethereum are completely prohibitive to learning and exploring. You know that Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a lower-fee alternative with great apps like PancakeSwap and SushiSwap, but you can’t figure out how the bloop to get your assets onto the network to use it.

First of all, let me say that it feels completely ridiculous that I should even have to write this article. It’s called Binance Smart Chain. United States users cannot use because Binance wishes to avoid US regulation. Instead, they must use, which is fine for the most part since it does most of what I need from Binance — namely, operate as an exchange.

But, and here’s where things get annoying, as an entryway to BSC, BinanceUS is completely terrible. There just isn’t a way to do it. You can’t use the Binance Bridge for presumably the same regulation-dodgin’ reasons that you can’t use Binance, and the BinanceUS documentation isn’t doing anyone any favors with recommended detours.

